6 Subroutines

As soon as a program becomes longer than a few lines it is probably more convenient to think of it as a sequence of steps, each step being written as a separate 'routine', an independent piece of program which can be tested in isolation, and which can be incorporated into other programs when the same function is needed.


Sections of program can be isolated from the rest of the program using a BASIC construction called the 'subroutine'. In the main program a statement such as:

      GOSUB 1000

causes control to be transferred to the statement at line 1000. The statements from line 1000 comprise the subroutine. The subroutine is terminated by a statement:


which causes a jump back to the main 'calling' program to the statement immediately following the GOSUB 1000. It is just as if the statements from 1000 up to the RETURN statement had simply been inserted in place of the GOSUB 1000 statement in the main program.

As an example, consider the following program:

   10 A=10
   20 GOSUB 100
   30 A=20
   40 GOSUB 100
   50 END
  100 PRINT A ' 
  110 RETURN

Lines 100 and 110 form a subroutine, separate from the rest of the program, and they are terminated by RETURN. The subroutine is called twice from the main program, in lines 20 and 40. The program, when RUN, will print:


6.1.1 Chequebook-Balancing Program

As a more serious example, consider a program for balancing a chequebook. The program will have three distinct stages; reading in the credits, reading in the debits, and printing the final amount. We can immediately write the main program as:

   10 REM Chequebook-Balancing Program 
   30 GOSUB 1000
   50 GOSUB 2000
   70 GOSUB 3000
   80 END

Now all we have to do is write the subroutines at lines 1000, 2000, and 3000!

The subroutines might be written as follows:

 1000 REM Sum Credits in C
 1010 REM Changes C,J
 1020 C=0
 1030 DO INPUT J; C=C+J
 1040 UNTIL J=0
 1050 RETURN
 2000 REM Sum Debits in D
 2010 REM Changes D,J
 2020 D=0
 2030 DO INPUT J; D=D+J
 2040 UNTIL J=0
 2050 RETURN
 3000 REM Print Total in T
 3010 REM Changes T; Uses C,D
 3020 T=C-D; @=5
 3030 PRINT T/100," POUNDS",T%100," PENCE"
 3040 RETURN

Values are entered in pence, and entering zero will terminate the list of credits or debits.

The two subroutines at 1000 and 2000 are strikingly similar, and this suggests that it might be possible to dispense with one of them. Indeed, the main part of the chequebook-balancing program can be written as follows, eliminating subroutine 1000:

   10 REM Chequebook-Balancing Program
   30 GOSUB 2000
   40 C=D
   60 GOSUB 2000
   80 GOSUB 3000
   90 END

In conclusion, subroutines have two important uses:

1. To divide programs into modules that can be written and tested separately, thereby making it easier to understand the operation of the program.

2. To make it possible to use the same piece of program for a number of similar, related, functions.

As a rough guide, if a program is too long to fit onto the screen of the VDU it should be broken down into subroutines. Each subroutine should state clearly, in REM statements at the start of the subroutine, the purpose of the subroutine, which variables are used by the subroutine, and which variables are altered by the subroutine. A few moments spent documenting the operation of the subroutine in this way will save hours spent at a later date trying to debug a program which uses the subroutine.

6.2 GOSUB Label

The GOSUB statement is just like the GOTO statement that has already been described, in that it can be followed by a line number, an expession evaluating to a line number, or a label. Labels are of the form a to z, and the first line of the subroutine should contain the label immediately following the line number.

6.2.1 Linear Interpolation

The following program uses linear interpolation to find the roots of an equation using only integer arithmetic, although the program could be modified to use floating-point statements.

The equation is specified in a subroutine, y, giving Y in terms of X; the program finds solutions for Y=0.

As given, the program finds the root of the equation:

x2 - x - 1 = 0

The larger root of this equation is phi, the golden ratio. A scaling factor of S=1000 is included in the equation so that calculations can be performed to three decimal places.

The program prompts for two values of X which lie either side of the root required.

    1 REM Linear Interpolation
    5 S=1000; @=0; I=1
   10 INPUT "X1",A,"X2",B
   20 A=A*S; B=B*S
   30 X=A; GOSUB y; C=Y
   40 X=B; GOSUB y; D=Y
   50 IF C*D<0 GOTO 80
   70 END
   80 DO I=I+1
   90 X=B-(B-A)*D/(D-C); GOSUB y
  100 IF C*Y<0 THEN A=X; C=Y; GOTO 120 
  110 B=X; D=Y
  120 UNTIL ABS(A-B)<2 OR ABS(Y)<2 
  140 IF X<0 PRINT "-"
  145 PRINT ABS(X)/S,"."
  150 DO X=ABS(X)%S; S=S/10
  155 PRINT X/S; UNTIL S=1
  170 END
  210 RETURN
Description of Program:
5-70      Check that starting values bracket a root
80-120    Find root by successive approximation 
130-145   Print integer part of root
150-155   Print decimal places
160       Print number of iterations needed
200-210   y: Subroutine giving Y in terms of X, with appropriate
A - Lower starting value of X
B - Upper starting value of X
C - Value of Y for X=A
D - Value of Y for X=B
I - Iteration number
S - Scaling factor; all numbers are multiplied by S and held as
X - Root being approximated
Y - Value of equation for given,X
Program size - 466 bytes 
Sample run:
ROOT IS X= 1.618

6.3 Subroutines Calling Subroutines

Often the task carried out by a subroutine may itself usefully be broken down into a number of smaller steps, and so it might be convenient to include calls to subroutines within other subroutines. This is perfectly legal, and subroutines may be nested up to a maximum depth of 15 calls.

6.4 Recursive Subroutine Calls

Sometimes a problem can be more simply expressed if it is allowed to include a reference to itself. When a subroutine includes a call to itself in this way it is known as a 'recursive' subroutine call, and it is possible to use recursive calls in ATOM BASIC provided that the depth of recursion is limited to 15 calls. The following half-hearted program uses a recursive call to print out ten stars without using a loop:

   10 REM Recursive Stars
   20 P=10; GOSUB p
   30 END
  100pREM Print P stars
  110 IF P=0 RETURN
  120 P=P-1
  130 GOSUB p; REM Print P-1 stars
  140 PRINT "*"
  150 RETURN

This program could, of course, be written more effectively using a simple FOR...NEXT loop. The following programs, however, use recursion to great benefit to solve mathematical problems that would be much harder to solve using iteration alone.

6.4.1 Tower of Hanoi Problem

In the Tower of Hanoi problem three pegs are fastened to a stand, and there are a number of wooden discs each with a hole at its centre. The discs are all of different diameters, and they all start on one peg, arranged in order of size with the largest disc at the bottom of the pile.

The problem is to shift the pile to another peg by transferring one disc at a time, with the restriction that no disc may be placed on top of a smaller disc. The number of moves required rises rapidly with the number of discs used; the problem was classically described with 64 discs, and moving one disc per second the solution of this problem would take more than 500,000 million years!

A recursive solution to the problem, stated in words, is:

To move F discs from peg A to peg B:
1. Move F-1 discs to peg C.
2. Move bottom disc to peg B.
3. Move F-1 discs to peg B.

Also, when F is zero there is no need to do anything. Steps 1 and 3 of the procedure contain a reference to the whole procedure, so the solution is recursive.

The following program will solve the problem for up to 13 discs, and displays the piles of discs at every stage in the solution:

   1 REM Tower of Hanoi
  10 PRINT$12 
  20 A=TOP;D=A+4 
  40 V=-3;W=-1	
  60 !D=#1020300;!A=0 
  80 A?1=F;?D=F
  85 N=64/3 
  90 CLEAR0
 100 FORQ=1TOF;MOVE(F-Q),(2*(F-Q));PLOTl,(2*Q-1),0;NEXT 
 110 GOSUBh;END 
1000hIF?D=0 RETURN 
1010 D!4=!D-1;D?6=D?1;D?5=D?2;D=D+4;GOSUBh 
1020 MOVE(F-D?-4+D?V*N-N),(D?V?A*2);PLOT1,(D?-4*2-1),0 
1030 MOVE(D?W*N-N),(D?W?A*2-2);PLOT3,(F+D?-4),0 
1040 A?(D?W)=A?(D?W)+W;A?(D?V)=A?(D?V)-W 
1050 D?3=D?-2;D?2=D?W;D?1=D?V;GOSUBh 
1060 D=D-4;RETURN
Description of Program:
100 Draw starting pile of discs
110 Subroutine h is called recursively to move the number of discs specified in ?D.
1000 h: Subroutine to move ?D discs
1010 Recursive call to move ?D-1 discs
1020 Draw new disc on screen
1030 Remove old disc from screen
1040 Set up array A
1050 Recursive call to put back ?D-1 discs
Variables: A?N - Number of discs on pile N
D - Stack pointer
?D - How many discs to transfer
D?1 - Destination Pile
D?2 - Intermediate pile
D?3 - Source pile
F - Total number of discs
N - One third of screen width
V - Constant
W - Constant
Program size: 461 bytes
Stack usage: (4 * number of discs) bytes

6.3.2 Eight Queens Problem

A classical mathematical problem consists of placing eight queens on a chessboard so that no queen attacks any other. The following program find all possible solutions to the problem, and draws a diagram of the board to show each solution as it is found. The program uses many abbreviations to keep it small enough to fit on an unexpanded ATOM (for a complete explanation of these abbreviations, see section 10.1):

    1 REM Eight Queens
   30 C=0;D=TOP;E=D+3;A=D+27;!D=0
   60 @=0;GOS.t;P.$13"THERE ARE "C" SOLUTIONS"';END
  100tIF?D=#FF C=C+1;GOTOd
  110 ?A=(?D\D?1\3?2):#FF
  130 A?1=?A&-?A
  140 ?E=?D\A?1;E?l=(D?1\A?1)*2;E?2=(D?2\A?1)/2
  150 D=D+3;E=E+3;A=A+2;GOS.t;D=D-3;E=E-3;A=A-2
  160 ?A=?A&(A?1:#FF);GOT01
  210 Q=0;FORZ=3TO34STEP3;P=TOP?Z-Q;S=-2;DOS=S+4;P=P/2;UNTILP=0
  220 Q=TOP?Z;PLOT13,(Z/3*4-2),S;N.;{P.$30 C;R.
Description of Program:
30      Initialise array space. D is vector of attacks, ?D is row attacks, 
        D?1 is left diagonal attacks, D?2 is right diagonal attacks.
60      Call recursive analyser and print answer.
100     t: Recursive analyser: if all rows attacked have found a solution.
110     Calculate possible places to put new queen.
120     If no possible place, end this recursive attempt.
130     Find least significant bit in possible places to use as new
        queen position.
140     Calculate new attacked values.
150     Recursive call of analyser.
160     Remove this position from possible position and see if done.
200     d: Have solution, display board matrix.
210     Plot pixels at positions of queens.
220     Print the solution number at screen top and end recursion.
?A - Possible position; value of A changes
C - Solutions counter
?D - Row attacks; value of D changes
E - Holds D+3 to make program shorter
Program size: 440 bytes
 30 bytes
Total storage: 470 bytes.

Next chapter