11 Advanced Graphics

The ATOM provides nine different graphics modes, up to a resolution of 256x192 in black and white, and 128x192 in four selectable colours. The graphics modes use the BASIC statements PLOT, DRAW, and MOVE in an identical way. All the black-and-white graphics commands are present in the unexpanded ATOM, although extra memory will be required for the higher-resolution graphics modes. Colour plotting requires the addition of an assembler routine, or the COLOUR statement provided in the extension ROM.

11.1 Graphics Modes

The ATOM provides nine different graphics modes, up to a resolution of 256x192 in black and white, and 128x192 in four selectable colours. The graphics modes use the BASIC statements PLOT, DRAW, and MOVE in an identical way. All the black-and-white graphics commands are present in the unexpanded ATOM, although extra memory will be required for the higher-resolution graphics modes. Colour plotting requires the addition of an assembler routine, or the COLOUR statement provided in the extension ROM.

11.1 Graphics Modes

The nine graphics modes are listed below:

      Mode:       Resolution:          Memory:
                  X:       Y:
       0          64       48           0.5 K
       1a         64       64             1 K
       1         128       64             1 K
       2a        128       64             2 K
       2         128       96           1.5 K
       3a        128       96             3 K
       3         128      192             3 K
       4a        128      192             6 K
       4         256      192             6 K

11.2 CLEAR

This statement clears the screen and puts it into graphics mode. It is followed by a number, or expression in brackets, to specify the mode. The graphics screen is labelled as follows:

0,0 -- X -->

The smallest square which can be plotted on the display is referred to as a 'pixel' (or 'picture element').

11.3 PLOT

The graphics statements include a versatile 'PLOT K,X,Y' statement, the value of K determining whether to draw or move, plot lines or points, whether to set, clear, or invert, and whether to take the parameters X and Y as the absolute screen position, or as a displacement from the last point. The values K, X, and Y can be arbitrarily-complicated expressions.

       K:   Function:
       0  Move relative to last position
       1  Draw line in white relative to last position
       2  Invert line relative to last position
       3  Draw line in black relative to last position

       4  Move to absolute position
       5  Draw line in white to absolute position 
       6  Invert line to absolute position
       7  Draw line in black to absolute position

       8  Move relative to last position
       9  Plot point in white relative to last position
      10  Invert point relative to last position
      11  Plot point in black relative to last position

      12  Move to absolute position
      13  Plot point in white at absolute position 
      14  Invert point at absolute position
      15  Plot point in black at absolute position

11.4 DRAW and MOVE

In addition DRAW and MOVE statements are provided as convenient aliases for drawing a line and moving to an absolute X,Y position. MOVE X,Y is equivalent to PLOT 12, X, Y. DRAW X,Y is equivalent to PLOT 5, X, Y.

11.4.1 Random Rectangles

The following program illustrates the use of relative plotting using the PLOT statement, and draws random rectangles on the display. The program will work in any of the graphics modes.

   10 REM Random Rectangles
   13 S=20
   16 Z=1;B=0
   17 W=64;H=48
   18 E=W-S;F=H-S
   20 CLEARB
   30 FORQ=0TO7
   37 NEXTQ;FOR Q=0TO20000;NEXTQ
   38 GOTO20
  110 PLOTZ,0,D
  120 PLOTZ,-C,0
  130 PLOTZ,0,-D
  140 RETURN
Description of Program:
13-18     Set up constants
20        Initialise graphics
30        Draw 41 rectangles
32        Move to random point, leaving margin for size of largest
35        Choose random rectangle
37        Wait; then repeat.
100 140   s: Draw rectangle.
C,D - Dimensions of rectangle 
E,F - Dimensions of safe part of screen to start drawing rectangle. 
H - Screen height
Q - Counter 
S - Size of squares 
W - Screen width 
Z - Plot mode; draw relative. 
Program size: 278 bytes 

11.5 Advanced Graphics Examples

The following examples are designed for use with the higher-resolution graphics modes, and illustrate some of the applications that are possible using the ATOM's graphics facilities.

11.5.1 The Sierpinski Curve

This curve is of interest to mathematicians because it has the property that it encloses every interior point of a square, and yet it is a closed curve whose area is less than half that of the square. This program draws successive generations to illustrate how the Sierpinski curve, which is the limit of these polygonal drawings, is constructed.

    1 REM Sierpinski Curve
   10 INPUT"MODE"0
   20 CLEAR0
   30 S=5
   40 J=1
   50 FOR I=1 TO 5
   60 J=J*2;D=K/J/4
   70 X=K-5*D; Y=K-2*D
   80 T=1; MOVE X,Y
   90 X=X+D; A=J; B=J; GOTO s
  100aIF A=J AND B=J GOTO z
  110sP=J; Q=a; R=B
  120vIF P<2 GOTO z
  130 IF P=2 GOSUB o; GOTO a
  140 P=P/2
  150 IF Q<P OR P+1<Q GOTO n
  170 IF R<P OR P+1<R GOTO n
  190 GOSUB c; GOTO a
  200nIF Q>=p THEN Q=Q-P
  210 IF R>=P THEN R=R-P
  220 GOTO v
  230zREM end of loop
  240 FOR N=1 TO 1000;NEXT
  250 CLEARO
  260 NEXT I
  270 END
 1100 X=X+D
 1105 PLOTS,X,Y
 1110 X=X+D;Y=Y+D;PLOTS,X,Y
 1120 Y=Y+D;B=B+1;T=4;RETURN 
 1200 Y=Y-D
 1205 PLOTS,X,Y
 1210 X=X+D;Y=Y-D;PLOTS,X,Y
 1220 X=X+D;A=A+1;T=1;RETURN 
 1300 X=X-D
 1305 PLOTS,X,Y
 1310 X=X-D;Y=Y-D;PLOTS,X,Y
 1320 Y=Y-D;B=B-1;T=2;RETURN
 1400 Y=Y+D
 1405 PLOTS,X,Y
 1410 X=X-D;Y=Y+D;PLOTS,X,Y
 1420 X=X-D;A=A-1;T=3;RETURN 
 2100 X=X+D;PLOTS,X,Y
 2110 X=X+D;Y=Y+D;PLOTS,X,Y 2120 X=X+D;Y=Y-D;GOTO 1305 
 2200 Y=Y-D;PLOTS,X,Y
 2210 X=X+D;Y=Y-D;PLOTS,X,Y 2220 X=X-D;Y=Y-D;GOTO 1405 
 2300 X=X-D;PLOTS,X,Y
 2310 X=X-D;Y=Y-9;PLOTS,X,Y 2320 X=X-D;Y=Y+D;GOTO 1105 
 2400 Y=Y+D;PLOTS,X,Y
 2410 X=X-D;Y=Y+D;PLOTS,X,Y 2420 X=X+D;Y=Y+D;GOTO 1205

Description of Program:
50 Plot five generations
l000-1420 Plot centre square
2000-2420 Not a centre square
A,B - Coordinates of current square
D   - Number of cells in a quarter of a square
J   - Number of squares in picture
K   - Resolution of screen
O   - Graphics mode
S   - Argument for PLOT statement
T   - Angle in units of 90 degrees.
X,Y - Current drawing position
Program size: 1047 bytes

Sample plot:

11.5.2 Three-Dimensional Plotting

The following program will plot a perspective view of a three-dimensional object or curve as viewed from any specified point in space. The program is simply provided with a subroutine giving the coordinates of the object to be drawn, or the equation of the curve. The program below plots a perspective view of the curve 1/(1+x^2+y^2) for a range of values of x and y. The function has been scaled up by a factor of 300 to bring the interesting part of the curve into the correct range. The program is provided with an equation of the curve, specifying z (the vertical axis) in terms of x, and y (the two horizontal axes), and the view position. It projects every point on the surface onto a plane perpendicular to the line joining the view position to the origin. The example given here draws line of equal y, and the surface is drawn as if viewed from the point x=30, y=40, z=8; i.e. slightly above the surface.

    1 REM Three-Dimensional Plotting
   50 L=30;M=40;N=8
  110 Z=0;CLEAR4
  120 A=#8000;B=#9800
  130 FORJ=A TO B STEP4;!J=-1;N.
  150 S=L*L+M*M;GOS.s;R=Q
  160 S=S+N*N;GOS.s;S=L*L+M*M
  170 T=L*L+M*M+N*N
  200 F.U=-20TO20
  210 V=-20;GOS.c;GOS.b
  220 F.V=-19TO20;GOS.c;GOS.a;N.;N.
  230 END
  410 DOQ=(Q+S/Q)/2
  415 U.(Q-1)*(Q-1)<S AND(Q+1)*(Q+1)>S
  420 R.
  530 C=T*(V*L-U*M)*4/(R*O)+128
  540 D=96+3*Q*(W*S-N*(U*L+V*M))/(R*O)
  560 PLOT(Z+4),C,D;Z=0;R.
Description of Program:
50      Set up view position 
110     Set move mode, and clear screen 
120-130 Invert screen 
150-170 Calculate constants for linear projection 
200-230 Scan X,Y plane evaluating function and plotting projected lines. 
400-420 s: Square root routine (see Section 5.2.2). 
500-560 a: Calculate projected position of next point and move to it (Z=0) or draw to it (Z=3) 
600     c: Function for evaluation
A - Display area start 
B - Display area end 
C,D - Coordinates of projected point 
J - Display location to be cleared 
Q,R,S,T - Constants for projection
U,V - Scan variables 
W - Function value

Program size: 491 bytes.

Sample Plot:

11.6 Plotting Hex Characters

In the higher graphics modes, modes 1 to 4, characters cannot be plotted on the screen directly but it is fairly simple to draw characters using the graphics statements. The following simple routines will draw the hex characters 0 to F, with any desired scaling, and with an optional slope. The routines are useful for labelling graphs drawn in the higher-resolution graphics modes. Routine p plots a single hex character; routine q plots two hex characters. The routine is demonstrated by drawing random hex characters in a circle.

    1 REM Plotting Hex Characters
   10 N=TOP; !N=06E3E4477; N!4=#467B6B4D
   12 N!8=#795F4F7F; N!12=#1B3B7C33
   20 V=2; H=2; S=0
   25 CLEAR 0
   30 X=30; Y=0
   40 MOVE (32+X),(24+Y)
   50 X=X+Y/6;Y=Y-X/6
   60 A=ABSRND&#F
   70 GOSUBp
   90 GOTO 40
 1000qREM plot B as 2 hex digits
 1010 A=B/16; GOSUB p
 1020 A=B&#F
 2000pREM Plot A in hex
 2001 REM uses:A,H,J,K,L,N,Q,V
 2010 Q=N?A
 2020 FOR J=1 TO 7
 2030 K=(2-J%6)%2;L=(2-(J'-1)%4)%2
 2040 PLOT(Q&1),(L*H+K*S),(K*V)
 2050 Q=Q/2; NEXT J
 2060 PLOTO,((H+2)/2),0; RETURN
Description of Program: 
10-12     Set up plotting statements for the 16 characters. 
20        Scales for letters 30-50 Move X,Y around a circle 
60-70     Plot random character 
1000-1020 q: Plot low-order byte of B as two hex digits 
2000-2060 p: Plot low-order hex digit of A in hex
A - Hex digit to be plotted 
B - Byte to be plotted 
H - Horizontal scaling
N - Vector containing character plotting statements 
Q - Next plot statement; low-order bit determines whether to draw or move. 
S - Slope factor 
V - Vertical scaling 
X,Y - Coordinates of point on circle. 
Program size: 457 bytes Vector: 16 bytes

11.7 Animated Graphics

The graphics statements are optimised for speed. For example, to draw a diagonal across the screen using: MOVE 0,0 ; DRAW 255,191 takes under 40 msec. The following program uses animated graphics to display a clock whose hands move to show the correct time. The hands are drawn using the statement PLOT 6, and the same statement is repeated to remove each hand’s old position before drawing its new position. The clock keeps accurate time by executing the WAIT statement:

    1 REM Clock
   10 CLEAR4;E=128;F=96
   15 J=71;K=678;Q=100;R=#B001
   20 X=0;Y=8000;G=90
   30 MOVE(X/Q+E),(Y/Q+F)
   40 FORL=0 TO 59
   45 IF L%5<>0 GOTO c
   50 DRAW(X/G+E),(Y/G+F)
   55 MOVE(X/Q+E),(Y/Q+F)
   68 NEXTL
   70 X=0;Y=5000;S=0
   72 DO A=0;B=6600
   80 FOR H=0 TO 4
   82 GOSUBh;C=X;D=Y;X=A;Y=B
   84 FOR M=0 TO 11
   85 GOSUBh;A=X;B=Y
   87 X=0;Y=7000
   88 IF ?R<>#FF GOTO b
   90 FOR L=0 TO 59
  110 GOSUB s
  130 S=0
  150 NEXT L
  170 NEXT M
  175 A=X;B=Y;X=C;Y=D
  200 NEXT H; UNTIL 0
  399 REM
  400hMOVE E,F
  410 V=X/2/Q;U=Y/2/Q;W=V/5;T=U/5
  415 WAIT
  420 PLOT6,(V-T+E),(U+W+F)
  430 PLOT6,(X/Q+E),(Y/Q+F)
  440 PLOT6,(V+T+E),(U-W+F)
  450 PLOT6,E,F;S=S+5;RETURN
  510 Y=Y-J*X/K;S=S+1;RETURN
  600sMOVE E,F
  630 S=S+1;RETURN
Description of Program: 
40-68   Draw clock face 
80-84   Do hours and minutes 
88      If shift key down miss out seconds 
90-150  Do seconds 
120     Use up remainder of each second 
400-450 h: Draw hour/minute hand from centre of screen to X,Y
500-510 i: Increment X,Y one sixtieth of way around circle. 
600     s: Draw second hand 
620-630 p: Plot to point X,Y

Variables: A,B - Coordinates of tip of minute hand 
C,D - Coordinates of tip of hour hand 
E,F - Coordinates of centre of screen 
H - Twelves of minutes counter 
J,K - Incremental variables; J/K = 2*PI/60 approx. 
L - Seconds counter 
M - Minutes counter 
N - Counter 
Q - Scaling factor 
R - Address of shift key 
S - Sixtieths of a second used out of current second 
X,Y - Coordinates on screen scaled by Q 
Program size: 806 bytes

Sample Plot:

To set the correct time hold the shift key down after typing RUN, and release it when the hour and minute hands are in the correct positions.

11.8 Plotting in BASIC

To illustrate how the plotting statements work, the following BASIC programs will plot points on the screen in the different graphics modes without using PLOT, DRAW, or MOVE.

11.8.1 Plotting and Testing Points in Mode 0

The following BASIC program will plot a point in the graphics mode 0; the main program sets up a vector V which contains bytes with a single bit set to denote the bit to be plotted. Subroutine p plots a point at the coordinates X and Y.

    1 REM Plot in Mode 0
   10 DIM V(5)
   20 !V=#04081020; V!4=#102

  100 REM Plot point at X,Y
  110 REM Changes: P; Uses V,X,Y
  130 ?P=?P\V?(X&1+(47-Y)%3*2);RETURN

Using this method it is possible to determine the state of any point on the screen, as well as actually plotting points. For example, changing line 130 to:

  130 Q=(?p&(v?(x&1+(47-y)%3*2))<>0)

uses Q as a logical variable whose value is set to ’true' if the point X,Y is set, and to 'false' if the point is clear. Note that the screen should be cleared by writing #40 in every location (or with the statement CLEAR 0) before plotting in graphics mode zero with this routine.

11.8.2 Plotting in Higher Graphics Modes

To set the ATOM to a higher graphics mode the following character should be stored in location #B000:

Mode: Value:   GM2 GM1 GM0 A/G  
0 #00   0 0 0 0  
1a #10   0 0 0 1  
1 #30   0 0 1 1  
2a #50   0 1 0 1  
2 #70   0 1 1 1  
3a #90   1 0 0 1  
3 #B0   1 0 1 1  
4a #D0   1 1 0 1  
4 #F0   1 1 1 1  

This operation is performed automatically for modes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 by the CLEAR statement. Modes 1a, 2a, 3a, and 4a are colour graphics modes; see section 11.9 below. To illustrate plotting in the higher modes the following BASIC program will plot a point on the screen at the coordinates X,Y in the highest-resolution graphics mode:

   10 DIM V(7)
   20 !V=#10204080; V!4=#1020408
   30 ?#B000=#F0 
  100 REM Plot point at X,Y 
  110 REM Changes: P; Uses: V,X,Y 
  102 ?P=?\V?(X&7);RETURN

Again the program can be modified to test the state of points of the screen.

11.9 Colour Graphics

The ATOM provides three additional graphics modes which provide graphics in four selectable colours up to a maximum definition of 128x192. These modes are known as 1a, 2a, 3a, and 4a. The BASIC's PLOT, DRAW, and MOVE statements can be used in the 4-colour modes provided that a point-plotting routine, written in assembler, is provided to replace the black-and-white point plotting routines. Alternatively the COLOUR statement, provided in the extension ROM, can be used; see Section 22.2. The address of the point-plotting routine used by PLOT, MOVE, and DRAW is stored in RAM at #3FE and #3FF. The following information is passed down to the point-plotting routine in zero page:

Location: Function:
5A X coordinate - low byte
5B " " high byte
5C Y coordinate - low byte
5D " " high byte
5E 1: set bit, 2: invert bit, else, clear bit.
Free for workspace
" "

The following BASIC program demonstrates how an assembler point-plotting routine can be provided to give four-colour plotting in graphics mode 4a, the highest-resolution colour graphics mode:

   10 REM 4-Colour Plot
   12 GOSUB 400
   16 CLEAR4;?#B000=#D0
   18 ?#3FE=Q;#03FF=Q&#FFFF/256
   30 FOR J=0 TO 64 STEP 2
   40 ?C=J%3*4;MOVE J,0
   50 DRAW 127,J;DRAW(127-J),191
   60 DRAW 0,(191-J);DRAW J,0
   70 NEXT J
   80 END
  400 DIM V(11),C(0),P(-1),Q(-1)
  420 !V=#01041040;V!4=#02082080;V!8=#030C30C0 
  430 P.$21
  510 LDA@0;STA #5F
  520 LDA#5C;LSR A;ROR #5F
  550 CLC;ADC#5F;STA#5F
  560 LDA#60;ADC@#80;STA#60
  590 LDX@0;LDAV,Y;ORA(#5F,X)
  600 STA(#5F,X);RTS
  620 P.$6
  630 RETURN
Description of Program: 
12      Assemble point plotting routine 
16      Clear display; set mode 3a 
18      Change point plotter vector 
30-70   Demonstration program; curve stitching in 4 colours 
400     Set up variable space 
420     Vectors for three colours 
430     Disable assembler listing 
508-610 Assembler point-plotter program 
620     Turn screen back on
C - Colour: 0, 4, or 8. 
P - Location counter 
Q - Address of point-plotting routine 
V - Vectors for setting bits 
Program size: 558 bytes 
Vectors: 13 bytes

Note that the routine only sets bits, and plots in three colours - the fourth colour being the background colour. It would be a simple matter to modify the routine so that it was able to set or unset bits; i.e. plot in the background colour.

Next chapter