A 'string' is a sequence of characters; the characters can be anything letters, digits, or punctuation marks. They can even be control characters.
Strings are represented in a program by enclosinq the characters between quotation marks; quoted strings have already been introduced in the context of the PRINT and INPUT statements. For example:
To represent a quotation mark in a quoted string the quotation mark is typed twice. Valid strings always contain an even number of quotation marks. For example:
will print:
The variables A to Z have already been met, where they are used to represent numbers. These variables can also be used to represent strings, and strings can be manipulated, input with the INPUT statement, printed with the PRINT statement, and there are several functions for manipulating strings.
BASIC allows strings of any size up to 255 characters. To use string variables space for the strings should first be allocated by means of a DIM (dimension) statement. For example, for a string of up to 10 characters using the variable A the statement would be:
DIM A(10)
Any number of strings can be dimensioned in one DIM statement.
8.2.2 String Operator '$'
Having allocated space for the string it can then be assigned
a value.
For example:
The '$' is the string-address operator. It specifies that the value following it is the address of the first character of a string.
The effect of the statement DIM A(10) is to reserve 11 memory locations in the area of free memory above the text of the BASIC program, and to put the address of the first of those locations into A. In other words, A is a pointer to that area of memory. After the above assignment the contents of those locations are as follows:
A S T R I N G ~ ? ?
The question-marks indicate that the last two locations could contain anything. The character '~' represents 'return' which is automatically stored in memory to indicate the end of the string. The DIM statement allocates one extra location to hold this terminator character, although you will not normally be aware of its presence.
Note that it would be dangerous to allocate a string of more than 10 characters to A since it would exceed the space allocated to A.
A string variable can be printed by writing:
This would print:
and no extra spaces are inserted before or after the string.
Suppose that a second string is dimensioned as follows:
DIM B(8)
The string $A can be assigned to $B by the statement:
which should be read as 'string B becomes string A'. The result of this assignment in memory is as follows:
A S T R I N G ~ ? ? A S T R I N G ~ ^
It is possible to test whether two strings are equal with the IF statement. For example:
would print SAME.
The INPUT statement may specify a string variable, in which case the string typed after the '?' prompt, and up to the 'return', will be assigned to the string variable. The maximum length of line that can be typed in to an INPUT statement is 64 characters so, for safety, the string variable in the INPUT statement should be dimensioned with a length of 64.
Several functions are provided to help with the manipulation of strings.
The LEN function will return the number of characters in the string specified in its argument. For example:
will print the value 8. Note that:
$B="""" PRINT LEN(B)
will print 1 since the string B contains only a single quote character.
The CH function will return the ASCII value of the first character in the string specified by its argument. Thus:
will be equal to 65, the ASCII code for A. The string terminating character 'return' has a value of 13, so:
will be equal to 13.
The following sections show how the characters within strings can be manipulated, and how strings can be concatenated into longer strings or broken down into substrings.
Individual characters in a string can be accessed with the question-mark '?' operator. Consider again the representation of the string A. Number the characters, starting with zero:
A S T R I N G ~ ? ? 0
A1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The value of the Nth. character in the string is then simply A?N. For example, A?7 is "G", etc. In general A?B is the value of the character stored in the location whose address is A+B; therefore A?B is identical to B?A. In other words, a string is being thought of as a byte vector whose elements contain characters; see section 7.2.
The following program illustrates the use of the '?' operator to invert all the characters in a string which is typed in:
1 REM Invert String 5 DIM Q(64) 10 INPUT $Q 20 FOR N=0 TO LEN(Q)-1 30 Q?N=Q?N \ #20 40 NEXT N 50 PRINT $Q 60 RUN
As a slightly more advanced example of string operations using the '?' operator, the following program will produce a very secure encoding of a message. The program is given a number, which is used to 'seed' BASIC's random number generator. To decode the text the negative of the same seed must be entered.
1 REM Encoder/Decoder 10 S=TOP; ?12=0 20 INPUT'"CODE NUMBER"T 30 !8=ABS(T) 40 INPUT'$S 50 FOR P=S TO S+LEN(S) 60 IF ?P<#41 GOTO 100 70 R=ABS(RND)%26 80 IF T<0 THEN R=26-R 90 ?P=(?P-#41+R)%26+#41 100 NEXT P 110 PRINT $S 120 GOTO 40
Description of Program: 20 Input code number 30 Use code number to seed random number generator 40 Read in line of text 50-100 For each character, if it is a letter add the next random number to it, modulo 26. 110 Print out encoded string.
Variables: P - Address of character in string R - Next random number S - Address of string; set to TOP. T - Code number
Program size: String storage: up to 64 bytes
Sample run:
To illustrate how secure this encoding algorithm is you may like to attempt to find the correct decoding of the following quotation:
Concatenation is the operation of joining two strings together to make one string. To concatenate string B to the end of string A execute:
For example:
10 DIM A(10),B(5) 20 $A="ATOM" 30 $B="BASIC" 40 $A+LEN(A)=$B 50 PRINT $A 60 END
will print:
The right-hand part of a string A, starting at character N, is simply:
For example, executing:
10 DIM A(10),B(5) 20 $A="ATOMBASIC" 30 $B=$A+4 40 END
will give string B the value "BASIC".
8.4.5 Left-String Extraction
A string A can be shortened to the first N characters by executing:
Since the 'return' character has the value 13, this is equivalent to:
The middle section of a string can be extracted by combining the techniques of the previous two sections. For example, the string consisting of characters M to N of string A is obtained by:
$A+N=""; $A=$A+M
For example:, if the following is executed:
10 DIM A(10) 20 $A="ATOMBASIC" 30 $A+5=""; $A=SA+1 40 END
The arrays AA to ZZ may be used as string variables, thus providing the ability to have arrays of strings. To allocate space for an array of strings the DIM statement can be incorporated into a FOR...NEXT loop. For example, the followinq program allocates space for 21 strings, AA(0) to AA(20), each capable of holding 10 characters:
25 DIM AA(20) 35 FOR N=0 TO 20 40 DIM J(10) 50 AA(N)=J 60 NEXT N
Note the use of a dummy variable J to allocate the space for each string. Individual elements of the string array can then be assigned to as follows:
$AA(0)="ZERO" $AA(10)="TEN"
and so on.
The following program calculates the day of the week for any date in the 20th. century. It stores the names of the days of the week in a string array.
1 REM Day of Week 10 DIM AA(6) 20 FOR N=0 TO 6; DIM B(10); AA(N)=B; NEXT N 30 $AA(0)="SUNDAY"; $AA(1)="MONDAY" 40 $AA(2)="TUESDAY";$AA(3)="WEDNESDAY" 50 $AA(4)="THURSDAY";$AA(5)="FRIDAY" 60 $AA(6)="SATURDAY" 70 INPUT"DAY OF WEEK"''"YEAR "Y,"MONTH "M,"DATE IN MONTH "D 80 Y=Y-1900 90 IF Y<0 OR Y>99 PRINT"ONLY 20TH CENTURY I"';GOTO 70 100 IF M>2 THEN M=M-2; GOTO 120 110 Y=Y-1; M=M+10 120 E=(26*M-2)/10+D+Y+Y/4+19/4-2*19 130 PRINT"IT IS "$AA(ABS(E%7)) 140 END
Description of Program: 10-20 Allocate space for string array 30-60 Set array elements 70 Input date 80-120 Calculate day 130 Print day of week.
Variables: $AA(0...6) - String array to hold names of days B - Temporary variable to hold base address of each string D - Date in month E - Expression which, modulo 7, gives day of week. M - Month N - Counter Y - Year in 20th. century.
Program size: 458 bytes. Array storage: 105 bytes. Total memory: 563 bytes.
The most economical way to use the memory available is to allocate only as much space as is needed for each string. For example the following program reads in 10 strings and saves them in strings called VV(1) to VV(10):
10 DIM VV(10),T(-1) 20 FOR N=1 TO 10 30 INPUT $T 40 VV(N)=T 50 T=T+LEN(T)+1 60 NEXT N 70 INPUT "STRING NUMBER",N 80 PRINT $VV(N),' 90 GOTO 70
The statement DIM T(-1) sets T to the address of the first free memory location. T is then incremented past each string to the next free memory location as each string is read in. Finally, when 10 strings have been read in the program prompts for a string number and types out the string of that number.
For example, if the first three strings entered were: "ONE", "TWO", and "THREE", the contents of memory would be:
O N E ~ T W O ~ T H R E E ~ ? ? ? ^
Some BASICs have statements READ and DATA whereby strings listed in the DATA statements can be read into a string variable using the READ statement.
Although ATOM BASIC does not provide these actual statements, reading strings specified as text is a fairly simple matter. The following program reads the strings "ONE", "TWO" ... etc. into a string variable, $A, and prints them out. The strings for the numbers are specified as text after the program. They are identified by a label 't', and a call to subroutine 'f' sets Q to the address of the first string. Subroutine 'r' will then read the next string from the list:
10 REM Read Text 20 DIM A(40); L=CH"t" 25 GOSUB f 30 FOR J=l TO 20; GOSUB r 40 PRINT $A ' 50 NEXT J 60 END 500fREM point Q to text 510 Q=?18*256 520 DO Q=Q+1 530 UNTIL ?Q=#D AND Q?3=L 540 Q=Q+4; RETURN 550* 600rREM read next entry into A 605 REM changes: A,Q,R 610 R=-1 620 DO R=R+1; A?R=Q?R 630 UNTIL A?R=CH"," OR A?R=#D 640 IF A?R=#D Q=Q+3 650 Q=Q+R+1; A?R=#D; RETURN 660* 800tONE,TWO,THREE,FOUR,FIVE 810 SIX,SEVEN,EIGHT,NINE,TEN 820 ELEVEN,TWELVE,THIRTEEN 830 FOURTEEN,FIFTEEN,SIXTEEN 840 SEVENTEEN,EIGHTEEN,NINETEEN 850 TWENTY
Description of Program: 25 Find the text 30 Read in the next string 40 Print it out 500-550 f: Search for label t and point Q to first string 600-660 r: Read up to comma or return and put string into $A 800-850 t: List of 20 strings
Variables: $A - String J - Counter L - Label for text Q - Pointer to strings R - Temporary pointer
Program size: 511 bytes String storage: 41 bytes Total memory: 552 bytes.
The program can be modified to read from several different blocks of text with different labels by changing the value of L. Also note that the character delimiting the strings may be any character, specified in the CH function in line 630.
Numeric data can be specified as strings of characters as in in the Read Text program of the previous section, and converted to numbers using the VAL command in the extension ROM. For example, modify the Read Text program by changing line 40 to:
and provide numeric data at the label 't', for example as follows:
800t1,2,3,4,1E30,27,66 810 91,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5 820 13,14,15,16,17 830 18,19,20
A special use of the '$' operator in the PRINT statement is to print characters that can not conveniently be specified as a string in the program, such as control characters and graphics symbols. Normally '$' is followed by a variable used as the base address of the string. If, however, the value following the dollar is less than 255, the character corresponding to that code will be printed instead.
The following table gives the control codes, characters, and graphics symbols corresponding to the different codes:
Hex: Decimal: Character Printed: #00 - #1F 0 - 31 Control codes #20 - #5F 32 - 95 ASCII cHaracters #60 - #9F 96 - 159 Inverted ASCII characters #A0 - #DF 160 - 223 Grey graphics symbols #EO - #FF 224 - 255 White graphics symbols
Note that only half of the 64 possible white graphics symbols can be obtained in this way.
The most useful control codes are specified in the following sections; for a full list of control codes see section 18.1.3.
The cursor can be moved in any of the four directions on the screen using the following codes:
Hex: Decimal: Cursor Movement: #08 8 Left #09 9 Right #0A 10 Down #0D 11 Up
The screen is scrolled when the cursor is moved off the bottom line of the screen; the cursor cannot be moved off the top of the screen. Note that the entire screen memory is modified by scrolling; every line is shifted up one line, and the bottom line is filled with spaces.
The following control codes are useful for controlling the VDU screen:
Hex: Decimal: Control Character: #0C 12 Clear screen and home cursor #1E 30 Home cursor to top left of screen
The following program prints characters on the screen following a random walk. One of the cursor control codes, chosen at random, is printed to move the cursor; a white graphics character, chosen at random, is then printed followed by a backspace to move the cursor back to the character position.
1 REM Random Walk 10 DO 20 PRINT $ABS(RND)%4+8, $(#A0+ABS(RND)1#40), $8 30 UNTIL 0