
Readers interested in further information on some of the programs in this volume may find the following list of references useful:

Silver Dollar Game

"On Numbers and Games," by J. H. Conway, p. 123,
Academic Press, 1976.


"Atomic Theory and Practice," by David Johnson-Davies
p. 166, Acorn Computer Ltd., 1979.


"Generation of Permutations in Lexicographical Order",
Shen, M. K., Alg 202, CACM, 6:9, p. 517, 1963.


”Seminumerical Algorithms, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2,"
by D. Knuth, p. 360 ff., Addison Wesley, 1969.


"An Introduction to Compiler Writing," by J. S. Rohl,
Macdonald & Jane's, 1975.

"Algorithms in Snobol 4," James F. Gimpel, Ch. l8,
John Wiley and Sons, 1976.


"The BBC Microcomputer User Guide," by John Coll, BBC Publications, 1981.