The block diagram of the ATOM shows the essential elements of
a micro-computer system. The 6502 micro-processor is provided
with a 1 MHz clock with which all action on its bus is
synchronised. The bus has 8 data connections which allow data to
be transferred from the processor to other devices or vice-versa.
16 address lines select the location to which or from which data
is transferred; the most significant lines feed the chip select
logic which selects the device being accessed whilst the rest of
the lines select the location within the device.
The reset signal at break or power up causes the processor to
fetch instructions down the data bus from the Operating
System/BASIC ROM (Read Only Memory). Executing these instructions
sets up the screen and scans the keys, and when BASIC statements
are entered more instructions in the ROM interpret the statements
and communicate with the screen, tape interface etc. using
routines in the O.S. section of the ROM.
The block zero RAM (Random Access Memory), from #0000 to
#0400, is used by the processor for scratch pad and stack menory.
This RAM should not normally be accessed by the user.
The user RAM, that is the space in which lines of BASIC text
are stored, can be the lower text space or, as in the unexpanded
ATOM, the upper text space or graphics space may be used.
A Video Display Generator (VDG) produces synchronisation
signals for the television or monitor picture scan in time with a
series of refresh addresses which fetch data for the screen from
the video RAM. The screen is "memory mapped"; each dot
on the screen shows the information in a corresponding piece of
memory. Normally only the VDG accesses the video RAM obtaining
information with which to refresh the screen. When the
information on the screen is to be changed the tri-state buffers
are enabled allowing the processor to write new data into the
RAM. The VDG is fed with a 3.58 NHz frequency from which the sync
and refresh timing is derived. Both monochrome and colour
information are provided by the VDG.
In the most basic ATOM the 1024 by 8 (that is 1 Kbyte) video
RAM is divided into two sections. Half of the RAM is used for
video so that a screen full of normal characters can be stored
and the rest is used for the upper text space. Extended ATOMs
will normally have RAM in the lower text space position and so
the original video RAM together with the extension video RAM is
used to provide the higer resolution graphics modes.
Another device on the bus is a peripheral interface which
provides 24 input and output signal lines. Some of these lines
are used to control the VDG and one in particular is a signal
from the VDG indicating the vertical blanking period of the
screen. During this period the processor can enable the tri-state
buffers and access the video RAN without producing interference
on the screen. This signal also provides the timinq for the WAIT
The INS8255 PIA interfaces with the ATOM keyboard in which the
keys are arranged in a matrix. A 4 to 10 line decoder-driver is
driven by the peripheral interface and its 10 outputs drive each
row of the key matrix in turn. The peripheral interface is used
to read the outputs from the columns of the key matrix as each
input is driven and so the matrix position of any depressed key
is determined.
A Computer Users Tape Standard interface is also connected via
the peripheral interface. This standard saves data or programs on
tape as a sequence of two different tones . A logical 1 signal is
represented by a frequency of 2.4 KHz whilst logical 0 is a 1.2
KHz frequency. Each bit, that is 0 or 1, lasts for 3.3 mS giving
an operating speed of 300 bits per second. The 2.4 KHz standard
is derived from the 4 MHz crystal with a frequency divider chain
and it is fed to the peripheral interface and the tape output.
The input from the tape recorder passes through an amplifier and
a schmitt trigger before being fed into peripheral interface.
Another line from the peripheral interface is used to drive the
Two more ROMs may be fitted in the ATOM. One contains
instructions is for interpreting additional BASIC statements
which deal with floating point numbers, scientific functions and
colour graphics. The other ROM can provide extra utilities, such
as programs to deal with serial interfaces to the ATOM, and the
communications ring.
An optional Versatile Interface Adaptor (VIA) may be fitted
giving input or output lines allowing the ATOM to interface to
external hardware. Also a driver device can be added allowing the
VIA to connect to parallel printers of the Centronics type.
Finally a set of bus buffers may be added allowing the ATOM
bus to connect to external devices such as extension RAM floppy
disc drives etc.