**************************************** * Disassembly of Atom Operating System * * from #F000 to #FFFF * **************************************** Version 1.1 9:4:86 Subroutines... -------------- F02E Test for Array variable and Fetch Contents if Valid subroutine F08B Interpret an Array Variable Address to the Workspace Stack subroutine F291 Get to the First Non-Space Character subroutine F36B Get the Integer Variable 'P' into the Workspace Stack subroutine F376 Print Accumulator in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine F37E Print Accumulator in Hexadecimal subroutine F668 Decrement the Vector (#5A),X subroutine F671 Increment the Vector (#5A),X subroutine F678 Plot a Point subroutine F720 Point Clear/Set/Invert subroutine F73B Mode 1 Point Plot subroutine F754 Mode 2 Point Plot subroutine F76D Mode 3 Point Plot subroutine F7AA Mode 4 Point Plot subroutine F7D1 Print ASCII String subroutine F7EC Print the (#D4) word in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine F7EE Print a 4 Byte Word in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine F7F1 Print a 2 Byte Vector in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine F7FA Print a Byte in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine F7FD Print a Space subroutine F802 Print a Byte in Hexadecimal subroutine F818 Copy String from #100 Buffer to #140 Buffer subroutine F84F Transfer Tape File Control Block and Test Name subroutine F875 Get Next Non-Space Character from #100 Buffer subroutine F87E Convert ASCII Hexadecimal Digit to Binary subroutine F893 Read 4 Hexadecimal Characters from #100 buffer subroutine F8EF COS Interpreter subroutine F92F Load an Un-Named File subroutine F955 Execute the Command '*FLOAD' subroutine F958 Execute the Command '*LOAD' subroutine F96E OSLOAD Load File subroutine F98E Print Filename subroutine F9A2 Load Current Block subroutine FA08 Increment and Test Vector subroutine FA19 Execute the Command '*NOMON' subroutine FA1A Execute the Command '*MON' subroutine FA65 Read 4 Hex Characters from #100 buffer with Invalid Test subroutine FA76 COS Post Test subroutine FA86 Save an Un-Named File subroutine FAE5 Save File subroutine FB3B Send Header and Data Block to Tape subroutine FB78 Wait 2 Seconds with Tape Tone Off subroutine FB7A Wait 2 Seconds subroutine FB81 Wait 0.5 Second subroutine FB83 Wait up to 4.25 Seconds subroutine FB8A Wait 0.1 second subroutine FB8E Read Header from Tape and Test for Un-Named File subroutine FBC8 Read Name from Tape and Compare Names subroutine FBE2 Get 8 Bytes from Tape into Workspace subroutine FBEE OSBGET Get Byte from Tape subroutine FC23 Add Byte to Checksum subroutine FC2B Set up Block Load Address subroutine FC38 Print "PLAY TAPE" or "RECORD TAPE" subroutine FC63 Print "REWIND TAPE" subroutine FC76 Wait for Keypress and Print subroutine FC7C OSBPUT Put Byte to Tape subroutine FCBD Count Duration of Tape Pulse subroutine FCCD Test state of #B002 tape input pulse subroutine FCD8 Wait for 1 Falling Edge of the 2.4KHz Clock subroutine FCDA Wait for 1 to 127 Falling Edges of the 2.4KHz Clock subroutine FCEA Send ASCII Character to Screen subroutine FD0B Handle subroutine FD11 Handle or subroutine FD1A Handle subroutine FD29 Print an ASCII Character on the Screen subroutine FD40 Reset Cursor to Start of Current Line Without Deletion subroutine FD44 Invert Character at Current Cursor Position subroutine FD50 Handle subroutine FD5C Handle subroutine FD62 Handle subroutine FD69 Handle subroutine FD7D Handle subroutine FD87 Handle subroutine FD8D Handle subroutine FD92 Handle subroutine FD9A Handle subroutine FDA2 Handle Cursor Keys from Keyboard subroutine FDAE Handle Key subroutine FDC0 Handle key #F (ASCII #7F) subroutine FDC2 Handle '[\]^_' keys #3B-#3F (ASCII #5B-#5F) subroutine FDC6 Handle 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' keys #21-#3A (ASCII #41-#5A) sub FDC8 Handle '@' key #20 (ASCII #40) subroutine FDD2 Handle '!"#$' keys 1-4 (ASCII #21-#24) subroutine FDD6 Handle '<=>?>' keys #1C-#1F (ASCII #3C-#3F) subroutine FDD8 Handle '123456789:;' keys #11-#1B (ASCII #31-#3B) subroutine FDDF Handle key 0 (ASCII #10) subroutine FDEC Handle , Scrolling if Necessary subroutine FE08 Scroll the Screen subroutine FE0A Scroll Y lines of the Screen subroutine FE22 Delete Current Line subroutine FE2C Add One Line to the Cursor Position subroutine FE35 Move the Cursor Back One Position subroutine FE52 Send Character to VIA and Screen subroutine FE55 Send Character to Screen subroutine FE66 Wait Until Next CRT Field Flyback subroutine FE6B Wait Until Next or Current CRT Field Flyback subroutine FE71 Scan Key Matrix subroutine FE94 OSRDCH Get Key subroutine FEC4 Decode Control Character subroutine FEFB Send Contents of Accumulator to VIA subroutine FF38 Do subroutine Other routines... ----------------- F04B Interpreter for #F000 Command Words F085 Set Array Variable to an Arbitrarily Complex Expression F0AE Execute the Command 'DIM' F141 Execute the Command 'RUN' F14C Execute the Command 'WAIT' F155 Table of Compressed Assembler Mnemonic (MSB) F195 Table of Compressed Assembler Mnemonic (LSB) F1D5 Table of Bit Masks for Address Modes (LSB) F1E4 Table of Bit Masks for Address Modes (MSB) F1F3 Table of Offset from Base for Address Modes F211 Table of Base Address Value for Mnemonics Modes F251 Table of Base Address Value for Mnemonics F29C Execute the Command ']' F2A1 Execute the Command '[' F32E Deal with Assembler Label Definition F360 Deal with Assembler Comments F38E Deal with Assembler Statement F3F2 Get Assembler Addressing Mode Data and Type F440 Act on Assembler ??? Mode F454 Act on Assembler Immediate Mode F462 Act on Assembler Indirect Mode F49B Construct Assembler Opcode and Data F4EC Handle Assembler Relative Addressing F531 Execute the Command 'OLD' F542 Execute the Command 'DRAW' F546 Execute the Command 'MOVE' F54E Execute the Command 'PLOT' F5B5 Draw a Line Routine F5EB Plot a Line with (X change) <= (Y change) F61C Plot a Line with (X change) > (Y change) F67B Execute the Command 'CLEAR' F6C2 Perform 'CLEAR 0' F6CF Graphics Mode Control Data F6D3 Point Plot Routine LSBs for Graphic Modes 0 to 4 F6D8 Point Plot Routine MSBs for Graphic Modes 0 to 4 F6DD VDG Control Byte for Graphic Modes 0 to 4 F6E2 Mode 0 Point PLot Routine F7C9 Graphics Bit Mask Table F8BE COS Interpreter Command Table F926 Default COS Error Handler FA20 Execute the Command '*RUN' FA2A Execute the Command '*CAT' FA6B Get a Hexadecimal Number and Jump There FABB Execute the Command '*SAVE' F926 Default COS Error Handler FECB WRCHAR Control Code Data Lookup Table FED6 RDCHAR Control Code Data Lookup Table FEE3 WRCHAR Control Code Address Lookup Table FEEE RDCHAR Control Code Address Lookup Table FF3F RESET Routine FF9A Vector Data Table FFB2 IRQ/BRK Handler FFC0 Execute BRK FFC7 Execute NMI FFCB Operating System Jump Table F000 50 4C 4F 54 F5 4E 44 52 41 57 F5 42 4D 4F 56 45 PLOT..DRAW..MOVE F010 F5 46 43 4C 45 41 52 F6 7B 44 49 4D F0 AE 5B F2 ..CLEAR..DIM..[. F020 A1 4F 4C 44 F5 31 57 41 49 54 F1 4C C5 50 .OLD..WAIT.... Test for Array variable and Fetch Contents if Valid subroutine -------------------------------------------------------------- - Looks for two consecutive characters being the same, thus identifying an array. - Entry at #F02E starts interpretation at (5),?#5E. - Entry at #F030 starts interpretation at (5),Y. - Enter with the X register pointing to the current slot of the workspace stack. - If an array is identified, the array number is evaluated, the array offset calculated (offset=4*array number, since an integer has 4-byte precision), the offset added to the array base address fetched from the Array Table, and the 4-byte integer read from the resultant array variable and written to the current slot of the workspace stack. - The workspace stack pointer ?4 is updated and incremented. F02E A4 5E LDY #5E Get index F030 B1 05 LDA (#5),Y Get the first character of text F032 C9 40 CMP @#40 Is it >= '@' ? F034 90 12 BCC #F048 ..no, can't be a valid array - quit F036 C9 5B CMP @#5B Is it <= '[' ? F038 B0 0E BCS #F048 ..no, can't be a valid array - quit F03A C8 INY Point to the second character in text F03B D1 05 CMP (#5),Y Is the second character the same as the first ? F03D D0 09 BNE #F048 ..no, it's not a valid array - quit F03F 20 8B F0 JSR #F08B Interpret the address of the array number and copy to the level of the w/s stack pointed to by the X register F042 20 4F C9 JSR #C94F Get the LSB array byte into LSB w/s stack F045 4C 62 C9 JMP #C962 Get the 3 MSBs into the w/s stack also F048 4C 24 CA JMP #CA24 Unrecognised command - try FP interpreter Interpreter for #F000 Command Words ----------------------------------- - Starts interpretation at (5),?#5E. - Jumps to the appropriate action addresses. - Exits to #C550 if fails to match command word. F04B A2 FF LDX @#FF Pointer to the #F000 command word table F04D A4 5E LDY #5E Get interpreter pointer F04F C6 5E DEC #5E This now points to the previous character TEST FOR ARRAY ASSIGNMENT F051 B1 05 LDA (#5),Y Get the first character of text F053 C9 40 CMP @#40 Is it >= '@' ? F055 90 09 BCC #F060 ..no, definately not an array assignment F057 C9 5B CMP @#5B is it <= '[' ? F059 B0 05 BCC #F060 ..no, definately not an array assignment F05B C8 INY Point to the second character in text F05C D1 05 CMP (#5),Y is it the same, identifying an array ? F05E F0 25 BEQ #F085 ..yes, deal with ARRAY=(function) TRY TO MATCH TEXT WITH #F000 TABLE WORDS F060 A4 5E LDY #5E Restore pointer to the character before the first to be interpreted F062 E8 INX Point to next character in command table F063 C8 INY Point to next character under analysis F064 BD 00 F0 LDA #F000,X Get character from command table F067 30 0C BMI #F075 ..reached MSB address byte of command word F069 D1 05 CMP (#5),Y Otherwise compare with character in text F06B F0 F5 BEQ #F062 Go on to test next character if matched WORD MATCH FAILED - TRY NEXT WORD IN TABLE F06D E8 INX Point to next character of the failed command word in the table F06E BD FF EF LDA #EFFF,X ..and get it F071 10 FA BPL #F06D Keep going until MSB command word reached F073 D0 EB BNE #F060 ..and try to match this command word COPY JUMP ADDRESS TO ZERO PAGE - AND JUMP F075 85 53 STA #53 Dump the MSB jump address to w/s F077 BD 01 F0 LDA #F001,X Get MSB jump address from command table F07A 85 52 STA #52 Dump the LSB jump address to w/s F07C 84 03 STY #3 Update the interpreter pointer F07E A6 04 LDX #4 Get pointer to current slot of w/s stack F080 E6 5E INC #5E This points to the first character JUST interpreted F082 6C 52 00 JMP (#52) Jump to the command word jump address Set Array Variable to an Arbitrarily Complex Expression ------------------------------------------------------- - Interprets an array variable, followed by an '=', followed by an arbitrarily complex numerical expression, and copies the latter to the array variable. - Returns to the main interpreter at #C55B. F085 20 8B F0 JSR #F08B Get the array address into the current level of the w/s stack and increment the w/s stack pointer F088 4C F1 C3 JMP #C3F1 Interpret an '=' followed by a numerical expression & copy this result to the array variable previously interpreted Interpret an Array Variable Address to the Workspace Stack subroutine --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gets the array start address from the table of start addresses pointed to by #2EB,Y and #306,Y, adds the offset calculated by 4 times the evaluated array number, and places the resultant address on the current level of the workspace stack. - Enter with (5),Y pointing to the second array character (@ to Z), the accumulator containing the array character, and the Carry flag set. F08B C8 INY Point to first character of array number F08C 84 03 STY #3 Save interpreter index F08E E9 40 SBC @#40 Convert so '@'=0 to "Z"=26 F090 48 PHA ..and save the resulting array number F091 20 BC C8 JSR #C8BC Evaluate array number onto the w/s stack F094 68 PLA Restore the array number F095 A8 TAY This is the index tothe array stack F096 B5 15 LDA #15,X ) F098 0A ASL A ) F099 36 24 ROL #24,X ) F09B 0A ASL A ) Multiply the 2-byte array number by 4 F09C 36 24 ROL #24,X ) to get the array offset F09E 18 CLC ) F09F 79 EB 02 ADC #2EB,Y ) F0A2 95 15 STA #15,X ) F0A4 B5 24 LDA #24,X ) Add the array offset to the base address F0A6 79 06 03 ADC #306,Y ) and put the result on the last level of F0A9 95 24 STA #24,X ) the w/s stack F0AB B0 D7 BCS #F084 ..if the array had not been dimensioned, then overflow will occur as the arrays are initialised to #FFFF. Hence execute BRK F0AD 60 RTS Execute the Command 'DIM' ------------------------- - If in Direct Mode then BRK is executed. F0AE A5 01 LDA #1 If the MSB line number is 0.. F0B0 05 02 ORA #2 ..and the LSB line number is 0.. F0B2 F0 22 BEQ #F0D6 ..then in Direct Mode, so BRK TEST FOR NUMERIC OR STRING ARRAY F0B4 20 34 C4 JSR #C434 Get the first non-space character onto the w/s stack if it's alphabetic F0B7 90 1E BCC #F0D7 Branch if the first character is not alphabetic or the first two characters are - possibly indicating a numeric array DIMENSION A STRING ARRAY F0B9 20 BC C8 JSR #C8BC Interpret array length onto the w/s stack F0BC CA DEX Point to array length on the w/s stack F0BD CA DEX Point to array character no. on w/s stack F0BE 86 04 STX #4 Update w/s stack pointer F0C0 B4 16 LDY #16,X Get character number from LSB w/s stack F0C2 38 SEC F0C3 A5 23 LDA #23 Copy LSB free space pointer.. F0C5 99 21 03 STA #321,Y ..to LSB variable - this is string address F0C8 75 17 ADC #17,X Add array length from w/s stack F0CA 85 23 STA #23 Update LSB free space pointer F0CC A5 24 LDA #24 Copy MSB free space pointer.. F0CE 99 3C 03 STA #33C,Y ..to MSB variable - this is string address F0D1 75 26 ADC #26,X Add array length from w/s stack F0D3 4C 19 F1 JMP #F119 Update MSB free space pointer and test for memory at the free space pointer address F0D6 00 BRK DIMENSION A NUMERIC ARRAY FIRST TEST FOR VALID ARRAY VARIABLE IN THE RANGE '@@' TO 'ZZ' F0D7 A4 03 LDY #3 Get the interpeter pointer F0D9 B1 05 LDA (#5),Y Get first non-space character from text F0DB C9 40 CMP @#40 Is it alphabetic, ie >= '@' ? F0DD 90 F7 BCC #F0D6 ..no, execute BRK F0DF C9 5B CMP @#5B Is it alphabetic, ie < '[' ? F0E1 B0 F3 BCS #F0D6 ..no, execute BRK EVALUATE ARRAY VARIABLE AND LENGTH F0E3 C8 INY Point to next character F0E4 D1 05 CMP (#5),Y Is this the same as the first character indicating a valid array variable ? F0E6 D0 EE BNE #F0D6 ..no, execute BRK F0E8 E9 40 SBC @#40 ..yes, convert so '@'=0 to 'Z'=26 F0EA 48 PHA Save this array variable number F0EB C8 INY Point to first character of array dimension F0EC 84 03 STY #3 Update text pointer F0EE 20 BC C8 JSR #C8BC Evaluate arbitrarily complex array length onto the w/s stack F0F1 68 PLA Restore the array variable number F0F2 A8 TAY ..as the index to the array table SET ARRAY VARIABLE TO FREE SPACE POINTER F0F3 A5 23 LDA #23 Copy the LSB free space pointer.. F0F5 99 EB 02 STA #2EB,Y ..to the LSB array variable table F0F8 A5 24 LDA #24 Copy the MSB free space pointer.. F0FA 99 06 03 STA #306,Y ..to the MSB array variable table F0FD CA DEX F0FE 86 04 STX #4 Decrement the w/s pointer MULTIPLY ARRAY LENGTH BY 4 AS IT'S NUMERIC F100 B4 16 LDY #16,X Get the LSB array length F102 C8 INY Increment - a dimension of 0 uses 1 byte ! F103 D0 02 BNE #F107 F105 F6 25 INC #25,X Increment MSB array length if overflowed F107 98 TYA Get the LSB array length F108 0A ASL A Double it F109 36 25 ROL #25,X ..and double the MSB array length F10B 0A ASL A Double it again F10C 36 25 ROL #25,X ..and double the MSB array length again ADD (4*LENGTH) TO FREE SPACE POINTER F10E 18 CLC F10F 65 23 ADC #23 Add the old LSB free space pointer F111 85 23 STA #23 And update the LSB free space pointer F113 B5 25 LDA #25,X Get MSB (4*length) F115 65 24 ADC #24 Add the old MSB free space pointer F117 B0 BD BCS #F0D6 Execute BRK if overflows F119 85 24 STA #24 And update the MSB free space pointer TEST FOR MEMORY AT FREE SPACE POINTER F11B A0 00 LDY @#0 F11D A9 AA LDA @#AA Get first test byte F11F 91 23 STA (#23),Y ..and dump to free space pointer address F121 D1 23 CMP (#23),Y Can it be read back ? F123 D0 F7 BNE #F11C ..no, execute BRK F125 4A LSR A Get second test byte, ie #55 F126 91 23 STA (#23),Y ..and dump to free space pointer address F128 D1 23 CMP (#23),y Can it be read back ? F12A D0 F0 BNE #F11C ..no, execute BRK CONTINUE DIMENSIONING OTHER VARIABLES F12C 20 34 C4 JSR #C434 Get first non-space character F12F B0 A5 BCS #F0D6 Execute BRK if it's alphabetic - a ',' is expected separating DIM terms F131 A4 03 LDY #3 Get interpreter pointer F133 B1 05 LDA (#5),Y Get first non-space character F135 C9 2C CMP @#2C Is it ',' ? F137 D0 05 BNE #F13E ..no, no more variables to dimension F139 E6 03 INC #3 ..yes, Point past the ',' F13B 4C AE F0 JMP #F0AE ..and dimension the next variable F13E 4C 58 C5 JMP #C558 Back to the interpreter Execute the Command 'RUN' ------------------------- - Sets the free space pointer at (#23) to TOP at (#D) and then jumps to - the continuation at #CE83. F141 A5 0D LDA #D Get LSB TOP F143 85 23 STA #23 ..and set the LSB Free Space pointer F145 A5 0E LDA #E Get MSB TOP F147 85 24 STA #24 ..and set the MSB Free Space pointer F149 4C 83 CE JMP #CE83 Set the text pointer to the start of text and jump to the interpreter at #C55B Execute the Command 'WAIT' -------------------------- - Returns to the main interpreter at #C558. F14C 20 E4 C4 JSR #C4E4 Do the interpreter post test F14F 20 66 FE JSR #FE66 Wait for next complete VDU flyback F152 4C 5B C5 JMP #C558 ..back to the interpreter Table of Compressed Assembler Mnemonic (MSB) -------------------------------------------- F155 1C 8A 1C 23 5D 8B 1B A1 9D 8A 1D F160 23 9D 8B 1D A1 00 29 19 AE 69 A8 19 23 24 53 1B F170 23 24 53 19 A1 00 1A 5B 5B A5 69 24 24 AE AE A8 F180 AD 29 00 7C 00 15 9C 6D 9C A5 69 29 53 84 13 34 F190 11 A5 69 23 A0 Table of Compressed Assembler Mnemonic (LSB) -------------------------------------------- F195 D8 62 5A 48 26 62 94 88 54 44 C8 F1A0 54 68 44 E8 94 00 B4 08 84 74 B4 28 6E 74 F4 CC F1B0 4A 72 F2 A4 8A 00 AA A2 A2 74 74 74 72 44 68 B2 F1C0 32 B2 00 22 00 1A 1A 26 26 72 72 88 C8 C4 CA 26 F1D0 48 44 44 A2 C8 Table of Bit Masks for Address Modes (LSB) ------------------------------------------ F1D5 00 02 00 08 F2 FF 80 01 C0 E2 C0 F1E0 C0 FF 00 00 Table of Bit Masks for Address Modes (MSB) ------------------------------------------ F1E4 08 00 10 80 40 C0 00 C0 00 40 00 00 F1F0 E4 20 80 Table of Offset from Base for Address Modes ------------------------------------------- F1F3 00 FC 00 08 08 F8 FC F4 0C 10 04 F4 00 F200 20 10 00 00 0F 01 01 01 11 11 02 02 11 11 02 12 F210 02 Table of Base Address Value for Mnemonics Modes ----------------------------------------------- F211 00 08 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 F220 78 80 88 90 98 A0 A8 B0 B8 C0 C8 D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 F230 F8 0C 2C 4C 4C 8C AC CC EC 8A 9A AA BA CA DA EA F240 FA 0E 2E 4E 6E 8E AE CE EE 0D 2D 4D 6D 8D AD CD F250 ED Table of Base Address Value for Mnemonics ----------------------------------------- F251 0D 0D 0C 0D 0E 0D 0C 0D 0D 0D 0C 0D 0D 0D 0C F260 0D 0F 0D 0C 0D 09 0D 0C 0D 08 0D 0C 0D 08 0D 0C F270 0D 0F 06 0B 0B 04 0A 08 08 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0F 0D F280 0F 07 07 07 07 05 09 03 03 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 F290 01 Get to the First Non-Space Character subroutine ----------------------------------------------- - Gets the first non-space character into the accumulator using the (5),Y pointer where Y=?3. - Returns with (5),Y pointing to the following character and ?3 updated. F291 A4 03 LDY #3 Get the interpreter pointer F293 B1 05 LDA (#5),Y Get character from text F295 E6 03 INC #3 Increment interpreter pointer F297 C9 20 CMP @#20 Is this character a ? F299 F0 F6 BEQ #F291 ..yes, keep searching F29B 60 RTS Execute the Command ']' ----------------------- F29C E6 03 INC #3 Skip past the ']' symbol F29E 4C 1B C3 JMP #C31B ..and return to the main interpreter Execute the Command '[' ----------------------- F2A1 B1 05 LDA (#5),Y Get the current character from text F2A3 C9 5D CMP @#5D Is it the assembler terminator ']' ? F2A5 F0 F5 BEQ #F29C ..yes, return to the main interpreter F2A7 20 F6 C4 JSR #C4F6 Consolidate the (5),Y pointer, check F2AA C6 03 DEC #3 Point to the current character F2AC 20 8E F3 JSR #F38E Interpret the assembly statement into w/s F2AF C6 03 DEC #3 Decrement the interpreter pointer F2B1 A5 52 LDA #52 F2B3 48 PHA Save the LSB current assembly address F2B4 A5 53 LDA #53 F2B6 48 PHA Save the MSB current assembly address PRINT THE TEXT LINE NUMBER F2B7 AD 21 03 LDA #321 Get print field width, LSB variable '@' F2BA 48 PHA ..and save it F2BB A9 00 LDA @#0 F2BD 85 34 STA #34 Clear second MSB lowest level of w/s stack F2BF 85 43 STA #43 Clear MSB lowest level of w/s stack F2C1 A9 05 LDA @#5 ) Set the print field width in order to F2C3 8D 21 03 STA #321 ) print the text line number F2C6 A5 01 LDA #1 Get the LSB text line number F2C8 85 16 STA #16 ..into LSB lowest level of w/s stack F2CA A5 02 LDA #2 Get the MSB text line number F2CC 85 25 STA #25 ..into second LSB lowest level of w/s stack F2CE 20 89 C5 JSR #C589 Print line number in decimal in field @ F2D1 20 79 F3 JSR #F379 Print a space F2D4 68 PLA F2D5 8D 21 03 STA #321 Restore origional print field width F2D8 68 PLA Restore the LSB current assembly address F2D9 20 7E F3 JSR #F37E ..and print it in hex F2DC 68 PLA Restore the MSB current assembly address F2DD 20 76 F3 JSR #F376 ..and print it in hex followed by a space PRINT ASSEMBLED CODE IN HEX F2E0 A0 00 LDY @#0 Initialise code byte pointer F2E2 C4 00 CPY #0 printed all the code bytes ? F2E4 F0 09 BEQ #F2EF ..yes F2E6 B9 66 00 LDA #66,Y get byte of code F2E9 20 76 F3 JSR #F376 ..and print it in hex followed by a space F2EC C8 INY Point to the next byte of code F2ED D0 F3 BNE #F2E2 ..and loop round to deal with that F2EF C0 03 CPY @#3 F2F1 F0 0C BEQ #F2FF F2F3 20 79 F3 JSR #F379 Print a space F2F6 20 4C CA JSR #CA4C F2F9 20 4C CA JSR #CA4C F2FC C8 INY F2FD D0 F0 BNE #F2EF F2FF A0 00 LDY @#0 F301 B1 05 LDA (#5),Y Get character from text F303 C9 3B CMP @#3B Is it ';' statement separator ? F305 F0 0A BEQ #F311 ..yes, F307 C9 0D CMP @#D Is it line terminator ? F309 F0 06 BEQ #F311 ..yes, F30B 20 4C CA JSR #CA4C F30E C8 INY F30F D0 F0 BNE #F301 F311 20 54 CD JSR #CD54 F314 20 E4 C4 JSR #C4E4 F317 88 DEY F318 B1 05 LDA (#5),Y Get character from text F31A C8 INY Point to next character F31B C9 3B CMP @#3B Is it ';' statement separator ? F31D F0 0C BEQ #F32B ..yes, F31F A5 06 LDA #6 F321 C9 01 CMP @#1 F323 D0 03 BNE #F328 F325 4C CF C2 JMP #C2CF F328 20 1D C5 JSR #C51D F32B 4C A1 F2 JMP #F2A1 Deal with Assembler Label Definition ------------------------------------ - Interprets a label (array variable) and sets the label to the current value of the assembler memory pointer P. - Enter with the ":" having been interpreted, and with (5),?3 pointing to the first character of the array variable. F32E 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 Get the next non-space character F331 85 66 STA #66 Store this - it's the first array character F333 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 Get the next non-space character F336 C5 66 CMP #66 Is the second array character the same as the first - ie is it a valid array ? F338 D0 10 BNE #F34A ..no, invalid label - execute BRK F33A C9 40 CMP @#40 Is the label character < '`' ? F33C 90 0C BCC #F34A ..yes, invalid label - execute BRK F33E C9 5B CMP @#5B Is the label character >= '[' ? F340 B0 08 BCS #F34A ..yes, invalid label - execute BRK F342 38 SEC F343 20 8E F0 JSR #F08E Evaluate array address onto the w/s stack F346 20 CB C3 JSR #C3CB Copy last level of w/s stack to #52..#55 F349 A0 00 LDY @#0 F34B AD 31 03 LDA #331 Get LSB variable 'P' (memory pointer) F34E 91 52 STA (#52),Y ..and set LSB label F350 AD 4C 03 LDA #34C Get the second LSB of integer variable 'P' (assembler memory pointer) F353 C8 INY F354 91 52 STA (#52),Y ..and set second LSB label F356 A9 00 LDA @#0 F358 C8 INY F359 91 52 STA (#52),Y Clear second MSB label F35B C8 INY F35C 91 52 STA (#52),Y Clear MSB label F35E D0 36 BNE #F396 Go on to interpret assembler statement Deal with Assembler Comments ---------------------------- - Only returns to the assembler interpreter at the end of the text line or when the asssembler statement separator ';' is encountered. F360 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 Get the next non-space character from text F363 C9 3B CMP @#3B Is it the statement separator ';' ? F365 F0 04 BEQ #F36B ..yes, set up the memory pointer , and go on to interpret the next statement F367 C9 0D CMP @#D Is the text line terminator ? F369 D0 F5 BNE #F360 No, so character is skipped as a comment Get the Integer Variable 'P' into the Workspace Stack subroutine ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Puts the two LSBs of integer variable 'P' into workspace #52, #53. F36B AD 31 03 LDA #331 Get LSB integer variable 'P' F36E 85 52 STA #52 ..into w/s F370 AD 4C 03 LDA #34C Get second LSB integer variable 'P' F373 85 53 STA #53 ..into w/s F375 60 RTS Print Accumulator in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine --------------------------------------------------------------- - Prints the accumulator as two hex digits followed by a space. - COUNT is incremented 3 times. - Returns with Acc=#20, X=#FD, Y preserved. F376 20 7E F3 JSR #F37E Print the accumulator as two hex digits F379 A9 20 LDA @#20 Get F37B 4C 4C CA JMP #CA4C Increment COUNT and send char to OSWRCH Print Accumulator in Hexadecimal subroutine ------------------------------------------- - Prints the accumulator as two hex digits. - COUNT is incremented twice. - Returns with X=#FD, Y preserved. F37E A2 FF LDX @#FF Required to return from #C5F9 F380 48 PHA Save number F381 4A LSR A ) F382 4A LSR A ) F383 4A LSR A ) F384 4A LSR A ) Bring upper nibble to lower F385 20 F9 C5 JSR #C5F9 Convert to hex and print F388 68 PLA Restore number F389 29 0F AND @#F Clear upper nibble F38B 4C F9 C5 JMP #C5F9 Convert to hex and print ÿ Deal with Assembler Statement ----------------------------- F38E A2 00 LDX @#0 F390 86 00 STX #0 Clear error number F392 86 64 STX #64 Clear w/s F394 86 65 STX #65 Clear w/s GET OPCODE F396 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 Get the next non-space chracter from text F399 C9 3A CMP @#3A Is it ':', indicating label definition ? F39B F0 91 BEQ #F32E ..yes, set up label to memory pointer P F39D C9 3B CMP @#3B Is it statement separator ';' ? F39F F0 CA BEQ #F36B ..yes, set up the memory pointer P F3A1 C9 0D CMP @#D Is it the text line terminator ? F3A3 F0 C6 BEQ #F36B ..yes, set up the memory pointer P F3A5 C9 5C CMP @#5C Is it '\', indicating a comment field ? F3A7 F0 B7 BEQ #F360 ..yes, skip to end of comment field ENCODE CHARACTER OF OPCODE INTO #6A, #69 F3A9 A0 05 LDY @#5 F3AB 38 SEC F3AC 69 00 ADC @#0 Add 1 and clear carry F3AE 0A ASL A ) F3AF 0A ASL A ) Shift into upper nibble, with MS bit of F3B0 0A ASL A ) lower nibble clear F3B1 0A ASL A ) F3B2 26 6A ROL #6A ) F3B4 26 69 ROL #69 ) F3B6 88 DEY ) Shift it 5 bits into #6A, #69 F3B7 D0 F8 BNE #F3B1 ) F3B9 E8 INX Increment opcode character counter F3BA E0 03 CPX @#3 Fetched all 3 characters of opcode ? F3BC D0 D8 BNE #F396 ..no, fetch & encode the next character F3BE 06 6A ASL #6A F3C0 26 69 ROL #69 TRY TO MATCH OPCODE AGAINST TABLES F3C2 A2 40 LDX @#40 Pointer to compressed mnemonic tables F3C4 A5 69 LDA #69 Get LSB compressed encoded opcode F3C6 DD 54 F1 CMP #F154,X Match in table ? F3C9 F0 04 BEQ #F3CF ..yes, now try to match MSB F3CB CA DEX ..no, decrement the table counter F3CC D0 F8 BNE #F3C6 ..and try to match the next tabled opcode F3CE 00 BRK ..unless run out of table ! F3CF BC 94 F1 LDY #F194,X Get MSB code from table F3D2 C4 6A CPY #6A Match MSB compressed encoded opcode ? F3D4 D0 F5 BNE #F3CB ..no, try the next code from the table SUCCESSFUL OPCODE MATCH F3D6 BD 10 F2 LDA #F210,X Get Base address value (???) from table F3D9 85 66 STA #66 ...into w/s F3DB BC 50 F2 LDY #F250,X Get Base address value (???) from table F3DE 84 0F STY #F ...into w/s F3E0 66 64 ROR #64 F3E2 66 65 ROR #65 F3E4 88 DEY F3E5 D0 F9 BNE #F3E0 F3E7 A4 0F LDY #F F3E9 C0 0D CPY @#D F3EB D0 05 BNE #F3F2 F3ED A2 00 LDX @#0 F3EF 4C 9B F4 JMP #F49B Construct opcode and data Get Assembler Addressing Mode Data and Type ------------------------------------------- F3F2 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 Get the next non-space character from text F3F5 C9 40 CMP @#40 Is it '@', signifying immediate address ? F3F7 F0 5B BEQ #F454 ..yes, deal with immediate address mode F3F9 C9 28 CMP @#28 Is it '(', signifying indirect address ? F3FB F0 65 BEQ #F462 ..yes, deal with indirect address mode F3FD A2 01 LDX @#1 F3FF C9 41 CMP @#41 Is it 'A', signifying accumulator addressing mode ? F401 F0 EC BEQ #F3EF ..yes, construct opcode F403 C6 03 DEC #3 F405 20 8B C7 JSR #C78B Evaluate address onto the w/s stack F408 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 Get next non-space character from text F40B C9 2C CMP @#2C Is it ',', signifying indexed addressing ? F40D D0 31 BNE #F440 ..no, DEAL WITH INDEXED ADDRESSING F40F 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 ..yes, Get the next non-space character from text F412 A4 25 LDY #25 F414 F0 15 BEQ #F42B F416 A2 09 LDX @#9 F418 C9 58 CMP @#58 Is the index 'X' ? F41A F0 7F BEQ #F49B ..yes, construct opcode and data F41C CA DEX F41D C9 59 CMP @#59 Is the index 'Y' F41F D0 79 BNE #F49A ..no, but nothing else is valid ! - BRK F421 A5 0F LDA #F F423 C9 09 CMP @#9 F425 D0 74 BNE #F49B Construct opcode and data F427 A2 0E LDX @#E F429 D0 70 BNE #F49B Construct opcode and data F42B A2 04 LDX @#4 F42D C9 58 CMP @#58 F42F F0 6A BEQ #F49B Construct opcode and data F431 C9 59 CMP @#59 F433 D0 65 BNE #F49A F435 CA DEX F436 A4 0F LDY #F F438 C0 03 CPY @#3 F43A B0 5F BCS #F49B Construct opcode and data F43C A2 08 LDX @#8 F43E D0 5B BNE #F49B Construct opcode and data Act on Assembler ??? Mode ------------------------- F440 C6 03 DEC #3 F442 A2 02 LDX @#2 F444 A4 0F LDY #F F446 C0 0C CPY @#C F448 F0 51 BEQ #F49B Construct opcode and data F44A A2 05 LDX @#5 F44C A5 25 LDA #25 F44E F0 4B BEQ #F49B Construct opcode and data F450 A2 0C LDX @#C F452 D0 47 BNE #F49B Construct opcode and data Act on Assembler Immediate Mode ------------------------------- F454 20 8B C7 JSR #C78B F457 A5 0F LDA #F F459 A2 06 LDX @#6 F45B C9 01 CMP @#1 F45D F0 3C BEQ #F49B Construct opcode and data F45F E8 INX F460 D0 39 BNE #F49B Construct opcode and data Act on Assembler Indirect Mode ------------------------------ F462 20 8B C7 JSR #C78B F465 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 F468 C9 29 CMP @#29 F46A F0 16 BEQ #F482 F46C C9 2C CMP @#2C F46E D0 2A BNE #F49A F470 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 F473 C9 58 CMP @#58 F475 D0 23 BNE #F49A F477 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 F47A C9 29 CMP @#29 F47C D0 1C BNE #F49A F47E A2 0B LDX @#B F480 D0 19 BNE #F49B Construct opcode and data F482 A2 0D LDX @#D F484 A5 0F LDA #F F486 C9 0B CMP @#B F488 F0 11 BEQ #F49B Construct opcode and data F48A A2 0A LDX @#A F48C 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 F48F C9 2C CMP @#2C F491 D0 07 BNE #F49A F493 20 91 F2 JSR #F291 F496 C9 59 CMP @#59 F498 F0 01 BEQ #F49B Construct opcode and data F49A 00 BRK Construct Assembler Opcode and Data ----------------------------------- F49B 20 60 F3 JSR #F360 F49E BD D5 F1 LDA #F1D5,X F4A1 F0 04 BEQ #F4A7 F4A3 25 64 AND #64 F4A5 D0 07 BNE #F4AE F4A7 BD E4 F1 LDA #F1E4,X F4AA 25 65 AND #65 F4AC F0 EC BEQ #F49A F4AE 18 CLC F4AF BD F3 F1 LDA #F1F3,X F4B2 65 66 ADC #66 F4B4 85 66 STA #66 F4B6 BD 02 F2 LDA #F202,X F4B9 A2 00 LDX @#0 F4BB 86 04 STX #4 F4BD A4 16 LDY #16 F4BF 84 67 STY #67 F4C1 A4 25 LDY #25 F4C3 84 68 STY #68 F4C5 C9 0F CMP @#F F4C7 F0 23 BEQ #F4EC F4C9 29 0F AND @#F F4CB A8 TAY F4CC C8 INY F4CD 84 00 STY #0 F4CF C0 02 CPY @#2 F4D1 D0 04 BNE #F4D7 F4D3 A4 68 LDY #68 F4D5 D0 C3 BNE #F49A F4D7 A0 00 LDY @#0 F4D9 B9 66 00 LDA #66,Y F4DC 91 52 STA (#52),Y F4DE C8 INY F4DF EE 31 03 INC #331 F4E2 D0 03 BNE #F4E7 F4E4 EE 4C 03 INC #34C F4E7 C4 00 CPY #0 F4E9 D0 EE BNE #F4D9 F4EB 60 RTS Handle Assembler Relative Addressing ------------------------------------ F4EC A9 02 LDA @#2 F4EE 85 00 STA #0 F4F0 38 SEC F4F1 A5 67 LDA #67 F4F3 ED 31 03 SBC #331 F4F6 85 67 STA #67 F4F8 A5 68 LDA #68 F4FA ED 4C 03 SBC #34C F4FD 85 68 STA #68 F4FF 38 SEC F500 A5 67 LDA #67 F502 E9 02 SBC @#2 F504 85 67 STA #67 F506 A8 TAY F507 A5 68 LDA #68 F509 E9 00 SBC @#0 F50B F0 1F BEQ #F52C F50D C9 FF CMP @#FF F50F F0 16 BEQ #F527 F511 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 F514 4F 55 54 20 4F 46 20 52 41 4E 47 45 3A 0A 0D OUT OF RANGE:.. Execute the Command 'OLD' ------------------------- - Exits to END at #CD98 and hence to Direct Mode. F531 20 E4 C4 JSR #C4E4 Do the interpreter post test F534 88 DEY Now Y=0 F535 84 52 STY #52 Set w/s to LSB start of text F537 A5 12 LDA #12 Get text page F539 85 53 STA #53 Set w/s to MSB start of text F53B 98 TYA Clear accumulator F53C C8 INY Point to the MSB first line number F53D 91 52 STA (#52),Y ..and clear it, killing any previous NEW F53F 4C 9B CD JMP #CD9B Evaluate END, updating TOP, and returning to the Direct Mode. Execute the Command 'DRAW' -------------------------- - Executes PLOT 5,X,Y. F542 A2 05 LDX @#5 DRAW is PLOT 5 F544 D0 02 BNE #F548 ..so dump the PLOT number to the w/s stack , interpret the (X,Y) coordinates and execute as per the PLOT routine ÿ Execute the Command 'MOVE' -------------------------- - Executes PLOT 12,X,Y. F546 A2 0C LDX @#C MOVE is PLOT 12 F548 86 16 STX #16 ..so dump the PLOT number to the w/s stack F54A E6 04 INC #4 Increment w/s stack pointer F54C D0 06 BNE #F554 Interpret the (X,Y) coordinates and execute as per the PLOT routine Execute the Command 'PLOT' -------------------------- EVALUATE PLOT NUMBER INTO #16, AND THE X & Y COORDINATES INTO (#5A,#5B),(#5C,#5D) F54E 20 BC C8 JSR #C8BC Evaluate PLOT number onto the w/s stack F551 20 31 C2 JSR #C231 Search for ',', executing BRK if failure F554 20 BC C8 JSR #C8BC Evaluate X coordinate onto the w/s stack F557 20 31 C2 JSR #C231 Search for ',', executing BRK if failure F55A 20 BC C8 JSR #C8BC Evaluate Y coordinate onto the w/s stack F55D 20 E4 C4 JSR #C4E4 Do the interpreter post test F560 B5 15 LDA #15,X Get LSB Y coordinate from the w/s stack F562 85 5C STA #5C ..into w/s F564 B5 24 LDA #24,X Get MSB Y coordinate from the w/s stack F566 85 5D STA #5D ..into w/s F568 B5 14 LDA #14,X Get LSB X coordinate from the w/s stack F56A 85 5A STA #5A ..into w/s F56C B5 23 LDA #23,X Get MSB X coordinate from the w/s stack F56E 85 5B STA #5B ..into w/s F570 A2 00 LDX @#0 F572 86 04 STX #4 Clear w/s stack pointer GET LAST PLOTTED COORDINATE INTO (#52,#53) FOR X, AND (#54,#55) FOR Y F574 A2 03 LDX @#3 F576 BD C1 03 LDA #3C1,X ) F579 95 52 STA #52,X ) F57B CA DEX ) Get data from the LPP stack #3C1..#3C4 F57C 10 F8 BPL #F576 ) and store in w/s #52..#55 DEAL WITH ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE PLOTS F57E A5 16 LDA #16 Get PLOT number F580 29 04 AND @#4 Is it MOVE/DRAW to an absolute position ? F582 D0 13 BNE #F597 ..yes, so the LPP is not used ADD OLD (X,Y) COORDINATE TO NEW (X,Y) COORDINATE FOR RELATIVE PLOTS F584 A2 02 LDX @#2 F586 18 CLC F587 B5 5A LDA #5A,X Get new X or Y LSB coordinate F589 75 52 ADC #52,X Add to old X or Y LSB coordinate F58B 95 5A STA #5A,X ..and store resultant relative coordinate F58D B5 5B LDA #5B,X Get new X or Y MSB coordinate F58F 75 53 ADC #53,X Add to old X or Y LSB coordinate F591 95 5B STA #5B,X ..and store resultant relative coordinate F593 CA DEX F594 CA DEX F595 10 EF BPL #F586 ..do both X and Y coordinates COPY NEW PLOT POSITION TO THE LAST PLOTTED POINT STACK F597 A2 03 LDX @#3 ) F599 B5 5A LDA #5A,X ) F59B 9D C1 03 STA #3C1,X ) F59E CA DEX ) Get data from w/s #5A..#5D F59F 10 F8 BPL #F599 ) and store in the LPP stack #3C1..#3C4 EXECUTE POINT PLOT OR LINE DRAW AS RQD F5A1 A5 16 LDA #16 Get PLOT number F5A3 29 03 AND @#3 Is it just a MOVE ? F5A5 F0 0B BEQ #F5B2 ..yes, return to interpreter F5A7 85 5E STA #5E Save these 3 bits as Clear/Set/Invert flag F5A9 A5 16 LDA #16 Get PLOT number F5AB 29 08 AND @#8 Is it a point plot or a line draw ? F5AD F0 06 BEQ #F5B5 Branch if it's a line draw F5AF 20 78 F6 JSR #F678 Otherwise plot a point F5B2 4C 5B C5 JMP #C55B ..and return to the interpreter Draw a Line Routine ------------------- - Uses the point plot routine at (#3FE). - Returns to the interpreter at #C55B. - Entry: Old position X coordinate (#52,#53) Old position Y coordinate (#54,#55) New position X coordinate (#5A,#5B) New position Y coordinate (#5C,#5D) #5E=0,1,2 to Clear, Set or Invert the line. - Uses: Change in X coordinate (#52,#53) Change in Y coordinate (#54,#55) Old position X coordinate (#5A,#5B) Old position Y coordinate (#5C,#5D) CALCULATE (NEW X) - (OLD X) INTO (#56,#57) CALCULATE (NEW Y) - (OLD Y) INTO (#58,#59) F5B5 A2 02 LDX @#2 F5B7 38 SEC F5B8 B5 5A LDA #5A,X Get LSB new X or Y F5BA F5 52 SBC #52,X Subtract LSB old X or Y F5BC B4 52 LDY #52,X Get LSB old X or Y F5BE 94 5A STY #5A,X ..and store LSB X or Y in new w/s F5C0 95 52 STA #52,X Store LSB X or Y change in w/s F5C2 B4 53 LDY #53,X Get MSB old X or Y F5C4 B5 5B LDA #5B,X Get MSB new X or Y F5C6 F5 53 SBC #53,X Subtract MSB old X or Y F5C8 94 5B STY #5B,X ..and store MSB old X or Y in new w/s F5CA 95 53 STA #53,X Store MSB X or Y change in w/s F5CC 95 56 STA #56,X Keep a copy of MSB change for testing F5CE 10 0D BPL #F5DD Branch if New >= Old OFFSET IS NEGATIVE - NEGATE IT F5D0 A9 00 LDA @#0 F5D2 38 SEC F5D3 F5 52 SBC #52,X Negate LSB change F5D5 95 52 STA #52,X ..and store it F5D7 A9 00 LDA @#0 F5D9 F5 53 SBC #53,X Negate MSB change F5DB 95 53 STA #53,X ..and store it F5DD CA DEX F5DE CA DEX F5DF 10 D6 BPL #F5B7 ..deal with both X and Y coordinates F5E1 A5 54 LDA #54 Get LSB Y change F5E3 C5 52 CMP #52 Clear carry if LSB Y < LSB X F5E5 A5 55 LDA #55 Get MSB X change F5E7 E5 53 SBC #53 Subtract MSB Y change F5E9 90 31 BCC #F61C ..deal with Y change < X change Plot a Line with (X change) <= (Y change) ----------------------------------------- F5EB A9 00 LDA @#0 F5ED E5 54 SBC #54 F5EF 85 57 STA #57 F5F1 A9 00 LDA @#0 F5F3 E5 55 SBC #55 F5F5 38 SEC F5F6 6A ROR A F5F7 85 59 STA #59 F5F9 66 57 ROR #57 F5FB 20 78 F6 JSR #F678 F5FE A5 5C LDA #5C F600 CD C3 03 CMP #3C3 F603 D0 0A BNE #F60F F605 A5 5D LDA #5D F607 CD C4 03 CMP #3C4 F60A D0 03 BNE #F60F F60C 4C 5B C5 JMP #C55B F60F 20 55 F6 JSR #F655 F612 A5 59 LDA #59 F614 30 E5 BMI #F5FB F616 20 44 F6 JSR #F644 F619 4C FB F5 JMP #F5FB Plot a Line with (X change) > (Y change) ---------------------------------------- F61C A5 53 LDA #53 F61E 4A LSR A F61F 85 59 STA #59 F621 A5 52 LDA #52 F623 6A ROR A F624 85 57 STA #57 F626 20 78 F6 JSR #F678 F629 A5 5A LDA #5A F62B CD C1 03 CMP #3C1 F62E D0 07 BNE #F637 F630 A5 5B LDA #5B F632 CD C2 03 CMP #3C2 F635 F0 D5 BEQ #F60C F637 20 44 F6 JSR #F644 F63A A5 59 LDA #59 F63C 10 E8 BPL #F626 F63E 20 55 F6 JSR #F655 F641 4C 26 F6 JMP #F626 F644 38 SEC F645 A5 57 LDA #57 F647 E5 54 SBC #54 F649 85 57 STA #57 F64B A5 59 LDA #59 F64D E5 55 SBC #55 F64F 85 59 STA #59 F651 A2 00 LDX @#0 F653 F0 0F BEQ #F664 F655 18 CLC F656 A5 57 LDA #57 F658 65 52 ADC #52 F65A 85 57 STA #57 F65C A5 59 LDA #59 F65E 65 53 ADC #53 F660 85 59 STA #59 F662 A2 02 LDX @#2 F664 B5 56 LDA #56,X F666 10 09 BPL #F671 Decrement the Vector (#5A),X subroutine --------------------------------------- F668 B5 5A LDA #5A,X F66A D0 02 BNE #F66E F66C D6 5B DEC #5B,X F66E D6 5A DEC #5A,X F670 60 RTS Increment the Vector (#5A),X subroutine --------------------------------------- F671 F6 5A INC #5A,X F673 D0 FB BNE #F670 F675 F6 5B INC #5B,X F677 60 RTS Plot a Point Subroutine ----------------------- F678 6C FE 03 JMP (#3FE) Execute the Command 'CLEAR' --------------------------- - Sets up the appropriate word at #B000 for the 6847 VDG. - Places the appropriate point plot routine address in vector #3FE, #3FF. F67B 20 C8 C3 JSR #C3C8 Evaluate the Clear Mode number F67E A0 00 LDY @#0 F680 A5 52 LDA #52 Get the Mode number F682 F0 3E BEQ #F6C2 ..do CLEAR 0 F684 C9 05 CMP @#5 Is the Mode number>4 ? F686 90 02 BCC #F68A ..no F688 A9 04 LDA @#4 ..yes, set it to 4 F68A A2 80 LDX @#80 F68C 86 54 STX #54 Set MSB pointer to MSB start of screen F68E 84 53 STY #53 Set LSB pointer to LSB start of screen F690 85 52 STA #52 Save Mode number F692 AA TAX Now X=Mode number F693 BD CE F6 LDA #F6CE,X Get page AFTER the last to be cleared CHECK THAT TEXT IS NOT IN GRAPHICS AREA F696 A6 12 LDX #12 Get text page F698 10 04 BPL #F69E Branch if in lower text space F69A C5 12 CMP #12 Otherwise test if Text is above Graphics F69C B0 E1 BCS #F67F ..no, Text is in graphics area - BRK F69E AA TAX This is the page AFTER the last to clear F69F 98 TYA Clear accumulator CLEAR GRAPHICS MEMORY - A PAGE AT A TIME F6A0 91 53 STA (#53),Y Clear graphics memory byte to zero F6A2 88 DEY F6A3 D0 FB BNE #F6A0 ..do the complete page F6A5 E6 54 INC #54 Point to the next page F6A7 E4 54 CPX #54 Cleared all the graphics pages ? F6A9 D0 F5 BNE #F6A0 ..no, so clear this page too SET UP POINT PLOT VECTORS & INITIALISE VDG F6AB A4 52 LDY #52 Get the graphics Mode number F6AD B9 D8 F6 LDA #F6D8,Y Get the MSB point plot routine address F6B0 8D FF 03 STA #3FF ..into the MSB point plot vector F6B3 B9 D3 F6 LDA #F6D3,Y Get the LSB point plot routine address F6B6 8D FE 03 STA #3FE ..into the LSB point plot vector F6B9 B9 DD F6 LDA #F6DD,Y Get the 6847 VDG Control Byte F6BC 8D 00 B0 STA #B000 ..and set up the VDG graphic mode F6BF 4C 58 C5 JMP #C558 ..back to the interpreter Perform 'CLEAR 0' ----------------- - Enter with Y=0 F6C2 A9 40 LDA @#40 Get graphics space character F6C4 99 00 80 STA #8000,Y Clear byte of upper screen page F6C7 99 00 81 STA #8100,Y Clear byte of lower screen page F6CA 88 DEY F6CB D0 F7 BNE #F6C4 ..clear all 512 bytes of the screen F6CD F0 DC BEQ #F6AB Set up point plot vectors & initialise VDG Graphics Mode Control Data -------------------------- Graphics Page Limit used by CLEAR 1 to Clear 4 ---------------------------------------------- F6CF 84 86 8C 98 Point Plot Routine LSBs for Graphic Modes 0 to 4 ------------------------------------------------ F6D3 E2 3B 54 6D AA Point Plot Routine MSBs for Graphic Modes 0 to 4 ------------------------------------------------ F6D8 F6 F7 F7 F7 F7 VDG Control Byte for Graphic Modes 0 to 4 ----------------------------------------- F6DD 00 30 70 B0 F0 Mode 0 Point PLot Routine ------------------------- - Screen Resolution: X=0 to 63, Y=0 TO 47. - Requires : #5A, #5B = X coordinate. #5C, #5D = Y coordinate. #5E=0,1,2 to clear, set, or invert the point. - Destroys A,X,Y registers. F6E2 A5 5B LDA #5B If MSB X>0.. F6E4 05 5D ORA #5D ..and MSB Y>0.. F6E6 D0 52 BNE #F73A ..then RTS, since out of range F6E8 A5 5A LDA #5A Get X coordinate F6EA C9 40 CMP @#40 Is it >=64 ? F6EC B0 4C BCS #F73A ..yes, out of range - return F6EE 4A LSR A Divide by 2 to get X byte F6EF 85 5F STA #5F Save byte in the X direction F6F1 A9 2F LDA @#2F Get Ymax = 47 F6F3 38 SEC F6F4 E5 5C SBC #5C ..and subtract the Y coordinate F6F6 C9 30 CMP @#30 Is the Y coordinate out of range ? F6F8 B0 40 BCS #F73A ..yes, return DIVIDE Y COORDINATE BY 3 BY SUBTRACTION F6FA A2 FF LDX @#FF F6FC 38 SEC F6FD E8 INX Y byte counter F6FE E9 03 SBC @#3 Subtract 3, since there are 3 pixels to a byte in the Y direction F700 B0 FB BCS #F6FD F702 69 03 ADC @#3 F704 85 61 STA #61 Save remainder - this is the bit in the graphics byte block F706 8A TXA This is the byte in the Y direction F707 0A ASL A ) F708 0A ASL A ) F709 0A ASL A ) F70A 0A ASL A ) Multiply by 16 to get the row offset F70B 0A ASL A ) (32 bytes to a row) F70C 05 5F ORA #5F Includes the bytes in the Y direction F70E 85 5F STA #5F ..and save the LSB screen byte F710 A9 80 LDA @#80 Get the MSB first screen address F712 69 00 ADC @#0 Include any carry from the previous shifts F714 85 60 STA #60 ..and save the MSB screen byte F716 A5 5A LDA #5A Get the X coordinate F718 4A LSR A If it's odd, set the Carry flag F719 A5 61 LDA #61 Get the Y byte remainder F71B 2A ROL A Include the X position F71C A8 TAY ..and use as pointer to the bit mask table F71D B9 CB F7 LDA #F7CB,Y Get the appropriate bit mask from table Point Clear/Set/Invert subroutine --------------------------------- - Entry: (#5F) = Byte address Acc = Bit mask #5E = 0, 1, 2 to clear, set, or invert the point F720 A0 00 LDY @#0 F722 A6 5E LDX #5E F724 CA DEX F725 F0 0F BEQ #F736 ..branch to set the point F727 CA DEX F728 F0 07 BEQ #F731 ..branch to invert the point Clear point subroutine ---------------------- F72A 49 FF EOR @#FF F72C 31 5F AND (#5F),Y F72E 91 5F STA (#5F),Y F730 60 RTS Invert point subroutine ----------------------- F731 51 5F EOR (#5F),Y F733 91 5F STA (#5F),Y F735 60 RTS Set point sbroutine ------------------- F736 11 5F ORA (#5F),Y F738 91 5F STA (#5F),Y F73A 60 RTS Mode 1 Point Plot subroutine ---------------------------- - Screen Resolution: X=0 to 127, Y=0 TO 64. - Requires : #5A, #5B = X coordinate #5C, #5D = Y coordinate #5E=0,1,2 to clear, set, or invert the point. - Destroys A,X,Y registers. F73B A5 5B LDA #5B If MSB X>0.. F73D 05 5D ORA #5D ..and MSB Y>0.. F73F D0 F9 BNE #F73A ..then RTS, since out of range F741 A5 5A LDA #5A Get X coordinate F743 30 F5 BMI #F73A If >127 then RTS, since out of range F745 4A LSR A ) F746 4A LSR A ) F747 4A LSR A ) Divide by 8 to get X F748 85 5F STA #5F Save the byte in the X direction F74A A9 3F LDA @#3F Get Ymax = 63 F74C 38 SEC F74D E5 5C SBC #5C ..and subtract the Y coordinate F74F C9 40 CMP @#40 Is the Y coordinate out of range ? F751 90 32 BCC #F785 ..no, multiply Y offset by 16 to get bytes/row, calculate byte address, get bit mask and clear/set/invert as appropriate F753 60 RTS ÿ Mode 2 Point Plot subroutine ---------------------------- - Screen Resolution: X=0 to 127, Y=0 TO 95. - Requires : #5A, #5B = X coordinate #5C, #5D = Y coordinate #5E=0,1,2 to clear, set, or invert the point. - Destroys A,X,Y registers. F754 A5 5B LDA #5B If MSB X>0.. F756 05 5D ORA #5D ..and MSB Y>0.. F758 D0 E0 BNE #F73A ..then RTS, since out of range F75A A5 5A LDA #5A Get X coordinate F75C 30 DC BMI #F73A If >127 then RTS, since out of range F75E 4A LSR A ) F75F 4A LSR A ) F760 4A LSR A ) Divide by 8 to get X F763 A9 5F LDA @#5F Get Ymax = 95 F765 38 SEC F766 E5 5C SBC #5C ..and subtract the Y coordinate F768 C9 60 CMP @#60 Is the Y coordinate out of range ? F76A 90 19 BCC #F785 ..no, multiply Y offset by 16 to get bytes/row, calculate byte address, get bit mask and clear/set/invert as appropriate F76C 60 RTS Mode 3 Point Plot subroutine ---------------------------- - Screen Resolution: X=0 to 127, Y=0 TO 191. - Requires : #5A, #5B = X coordinate #5C, #5D = Y coordinate #5E=0,1,2 to clear, set, or invert the point. - Destroys A,X,Y registers. F76D A5 5B LDA #5B If MSB X>0.. F76F 05 5D ORA #5D ..and MSB Y>0.. F771 D0 C7 BNE #F73A ..then RTS, since out of range F773 A5 5A LDA #5A Get X coordinate F775 30 C3 BMI #F73A If >127 then RTS, since out of range F777 4A LSR A ) F778 4A LSR A ) F779 4A LSR A ) Divide by 8 to get X F77A 85 5F STA #5F Save the byte in the X direction F77C A9 BF LDA @#BF Get Ymax = 191 F77E 38 SEC F77F E5 5C SBC #5C ..and subtract the Y coordinate F781 C9 C0 CMP @#C0 Is the Y coordinate out of range ? F783 B0 B5 BCS #F73A ..yes, RTS HERE: ACC = Y IN ROWS DOWN FROM SCREEN TOP ?#5F = X BYTE ?#5A = X BIT IN THE BYTE MULTIPLY Y BY 16 TO GET ROW OFFSET F785 A0 00 LDY @#0 F787 84 60 STY #60 Clear w/s F789 0A ASL A ) LSB * 2 F78A 26 60 ROL #60 ) ..and MSB * 2 F78C 0A ASL A ) LSB * 4 F78D 26 60 ROL #60 ) ..and MSB * 4 F78F 0A ASL A ) LSB * 8 F790 26 60 ROL #60 ) ..and MSB * 8 F792 0A ASL A ) LSB * 16 F793 26 60 ROL #60 ) ..and MSB * 16 F795 65 5F ADC #5F Add X byte to LSB total address F797 85 5F STA #5F ..and store it F799 A5 60 LDA #60 Get MSB Y offset F79B 69 80 ADC @#80 Add MSB screen start address F79D 85 60 STA #60 ..and store it F79F A5 5A LDA #5A Get LSB X coordinate F7A1 29 07 AND @#7 Clear all but the 3 LSBs F7A3 A8 TAY ..which is the index to the bit mask table F7A4 B9 C9 F7 LDA #F7C9,Y Get the appropriate bit mask F7A7 4C 20 F7 JMP #F720 ..and clear/set/invert the bit as required Mode 4 Point Plot subroutine ---------------------------- - Screen Resolution: X=0 to 255, Y=0 TO 191. - Requires : #5A, #5B = X coordinate #5C, #5D = Y coordinate #5E=0,1,2 to clear, set, or invert the point. - Destroys A,X,Y registers. F7AA A5 5B LDA #5B If MSB X>0.. LSR A F7AC 05 5D ORA #5D ..and MSB Y>0.. F7AE D0 BC BNE #F76C ..then RTS, since out of range F7B0 A5 5A LDA #5A Get X coordinate F7B2 4A LSR A ) F7B3 4A LSR A ) F7B4 4A LSR A ) F7B5 85 5F STA #5F Save the byte in the X direction F7B7 A9 BF LDA @#BF Get Ymax = 191 F7B9 38 SEC F7BA E5 5C SBC #5C ..and subtract the Y coordinate F7BC C9 C0 CMP @#C0 Is the Y coordinate out of range ? F7BE B0 AC BCS #F76C ..yes, RTS F7C0 A0 00 LDY @#0 F7C2 84 60 STY #60 Clear MSB Y offset F7C4 0A ASL A Multiply row LSB by 2 F7C5 26 60 ROL #60 and multiply row MSB by 2 F7C7 10 C0 BPL #F789 Multiply Y offset by 16 to get 32 bytes/row, calculate byte address, get bit mask and clear/set/invert as appropriate Graphics Bit Mask Table ----------------------- - Used by Mode 1 to 4 point plot routines. F7C9 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 Print ASCII String subroutine ----------------------------- - Prints the string following the subroutine call up to a negative byte at which execution is recommenced. F7D1 68 PLA Get the return address LSB from stack F7D2 85 E8 STA #E8 ..into w/s F7D4 68 PLA Get the return address MSB from stack F7D5 85 E9 STA #E9 ..into w/s F7D7 A0 00 LDY @#0 F7D9 E6 E8 INC #E8 Point to the next byte of embedded text F7DB D0 02 BNE #F7DF F7DD E6 E9 INC #E9 Increment MSB text pointerif carried over F7DF B1 E8 LDA (#E8),Y Get the next character of embedded text F7E1 30 06 BMI #F7E9 ..reached terminator - execute from here F7E3 20 F4 FF JSR #FFF4 Send character to OSWRCH F7E6 4C D7 F7 JMP #F7D7 ..and go for the next character F7E9 6C E8 00 JMP (#E8) Continue execution from the negative byte Print the (#D4) Word in Hexadecimal Followed by a space subroutine ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Prints ?#D5, ?#D4 in hex, then a space, ?#D7, ?#D6 in hex, then another space. - Returns with X=#D8, Y register preserved. F7EC A2 D4 LDX @#D4 Print a 4 Byte Word in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Prints a word in hex in the order X+1, X, space, X+3, X+2, space. - Preserves the Y resister and increments the X register 4 times. F7EE 20 F1 F7 JSR #F7F1 print 1st vector in hex Print a 2 Byte Vector in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Prints in hex a vector in the order X+1, X and then a space. - Preserves the Y resister and increments the X register twice. F7F1 B5 01 LDA #1,X Get MSB of vector F7F3 20 02 F8 JSR #F802 Print in hex followed by a space F7F6 E8 INX F7F7 E8 INX F7F8 B5 FE LDA #FE,X Get LSB of vector Print a Byte in Hexadecimal followed by a Space subroutine ---------------------------------------------------------- - Prints the contents of the accumulator in hex followed by a space. - X and Y registers preserved. F7FA 20 02 F8 JSR #F802 Print character in acc in hex via OSWRCH Print a Space subroutine ------------------------ F7FD A9 20 LDA @#20 Get F7FF 4C F4 FF JMP #FFF4 Print via OSWRCH Print a Byte in Hexadecimal subroutine -------------------------------------- - Prints the contents of the accumulator in hex - X and Y registers preserved. F802 48 PHA Save number F803 4A LSR A ( F804 4A LSR A ( F805 4A LSR A ( Shift the upper nibble down to the F806 4A LSR A ( lower F807 20 0B F8 JSR #F80B Print nibble in hex via OSWRCH F80A 68 PLA Restore number F80B 29 0F AND @#F Clear upper nibble F80D C9 0A CMP @#A Is it a letter ? F80F 90 02 BCC #F813 ..yes F811 69 06 ADC @#6 ..no, it's a numeric digit F813 69 30 ADC @#30 Convert to ASCII F815 4C F4 FF JMP #FFF4 ..and print via OSWRCH Copy String from #100 Buffer to #140 Buffer subroutine ------------------------------------------------------ - Copies a quoted string from the Direct Mode buffer at #100 to the String Buffer at #140, terminating the string with #D. - If <"> is not the first non-space character found, returns with a null string at #140. - Sets up the pointer (#C9) to point to the start of the string at #140. - Enter with Y register pointing to (spaces leading to) the quotes at the start of the string. - Returns with Y pointing to the string termination quotes. - Returns with Acc=1, X=#C9. F818 30 76 F8 JSR #F876 Get to the first non-space character F81B A2 00 LDX @#0 Clear pointer to #140 buffer F81D C9 22 CMP @#22 Is the 1st non-space character '"' ? F81F F0 06 BEQ #F827 ..yes, found start of string F821 E8 INX ..no, point to #140 F822 D0 1B BNE #F83F ..and terminate the string there with #D F824 4C 7D FA JMP #FA7D ..unless ran out of buffer - 'SYN?' & BRK COPY STRING FROM #100 TO #140 F827 C8 INY Point to next character in #100 buffer F828 B9 00 01 LDA #100,Y ..and get it F82B C9 0D CMP @#D Is it ? F82D F0 F5 BEQ #F824 ..yes, run out of buffer - 'SYN?' & BRK F82F 9D 40 01 STA #140,X Copy to #140 buffer F832 E8 INX Point to next position in #140 buffer F833 C9 22 CMP @#22 Was this the '"' string terminator ? F835 D0 F0 BNE #F827 ..no, keep copying until it's reached F837 C8 INY Point past the '"' in the #100 buffer F838 B9 00 01 LDA #100,Y ..and get this character F83B C9 22 CMP @#22 Is this '"' as well ? F83D F0 E8 BEQ #F827 ..yes, double quotes mean use single quotes in string - NOT the end of string so keep searching TERMINATE #140 STRING AND RETURN F83F A9 0D LDA @#D Get F841 9D 3F 01 STA #13F,X ..and terminate the #140 string F844 A9 40 LDA @#40 ) F846 85 C9 STA #C9 ) F848 A9 01 LDA @#1 ) Set (#CA) to point to start of #140 F84A 85 CA STA #CA ) string F84C A2 C9 LDX @#C9 F84E 60 RTS Transfer Tape File Control Block and Test Name subroutine --------------------------------------------------------- - Transfers the 10 bytes in zero page starting at X to workspace starting at #C9. - Checks that the filename at (#C9) is less than 14 bytes long - if it exceeds this length, the message 'NAME' is printed, and BRK executed. - Returns with zero flag set if the string length is zero. F84F A0 00 LDY @#0 F851 B5 00 LDA #0,X Get byte from here.. F853 99 C9 00 STA #C9,Y ..into there F856 E8 INX F857 C8 INY F858 C0 0A CPY @#A Done all 10 bytes ? F85A 90 F5 BCC #F851 ..no, keep copying F85C A0 FF LDY @#FF Initialise string pointer F85E A9 0D LDA @#D Get string terminator F860 C8 INY Point to next character in filename F861 C0 0E CPY @#E Exceeded allowing string length ? F863 B0 07 BCS #F86C ..yes, print 'NAME' and execute BRK F865 D1 C9 CMP (#C9),Y ..no, but is this char the terminator ? F867 D0 F7 BNE #F860 ..no, keep checking F869 C0 00 CPY @#0 Set zero flag if string length is zero F86B 60 RTS F86C 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 Print the following text string F86F 4E 41 4D 45 NAME F872 EA NOP String terminator F874 00 BRK Get Next Non-Space Character from #100 Buffer subroutine -------------------------------------------------------- - Increments Y to return pointing to the first non-space character in the Direct Mode Buffer at #100. - Enter at #F876. F875 C8 INY Point to next character F876 B9 00 01 LDA #100,Y Get character from Direct Mode Buffer F879 C9 20 CMP @#20 Is it ? F87B F0 F8 BEQ #F875 ..no, try the next character F87D 60 RTS Convert ASCII Hexadecimal Digit to Binary subroutine ---------------------------------------------------- - Converts an ASCII Hexadecimal character in the accumulator to its binary value. - If valid hex, returns with binary value in accumulator and Carry clear. - X and Y registers preserved. F87E C9 30 CMP @#30 Is it > '0' ? F880 90 0F BCC #F891 ..no, invalid hex character - return F882 C9 3A CMP @#3A Is it < '9' ? F884 90 08 BCC #F88E ..yes, valid hex character F886 E9 07 SBC @#7 Convert so 'A'=#3A to 'F'=#3F F888 90 07 BCC #F891 Invalid if it was < 'A' but not a number F88A C9 40 CMP @#40 Is it a letter higher than 'F' ? F88C B0 02 BCS #F890 ..yes, invalid hex character - return F88E 29 0F AND @#F Mask off top nibble F890 60 RTS Return with carry clear F891 38 SEC F892 60 RTS Return with carry set Read 4 Hexadecimal Characters from #100 buffer subroutine --------------------------------------------------------- - Reads a hex number as an ASCII string in the Direct Mode buffer pointed to by #100,Y and stores the 2 byte result in the zero page vector X (LSB) to X+1 (MSB). - Interpretation stops at the first invalid hex digit, and returns with the Y register pointing to this character. - The zero page byte X+2 is used for workspace. - Sets Zero flag if the first character is invalid. F893 A9 00 LDA @#0 F895 95 00 STA #0,X Clear LSB vector F897 95 01 STA #1,X Clear MSB vector F899 95 02 STA #2,X Clear w/s F89B 20 76 F8 JSR #F876 Get to next non-space char in #100 buffer F89E B9 00 01 LDA #100,Y Get character from buffer F8A1 20 7E F8 JSR #F87E Convert ASCII hex digit to binary nibble F8A4 B0 15 BCS #F8BB ..invalid hex, quit F8A6 0A ASL A ) F8A7 0A ASL A ) F8A8 0A ASL A ) F8A9 0A ASL A ) Transfer lower nibble to upper nibble F8AA 94 02 STY #2,X Save current state of buffer pointer SHIFT NEW NIBBLE INTO THE VECTOR F8AC A0 04 LDY @#4 4 bits to a nibble F8AE 0A ASL A Shift into carry.. F8AF 36 00 ROL #0,X ..into LSB vector.. F8B1 36 01 ROL #1,X ..and into MSB vector F8B3 88 DEY F8B4 D0 F8 BNE #F8AE ..do all 4 bits F8B6 B4 02 LDY #2,X Restore buffer pointer F8B8 C8 INY Point to next character F8B9 D0 E3 BNE #F89E ..and try to decode that too F8BB B5 02 LDA #2,X This will be zero if failed to decode the first hex digit successfully F8BD 60 RTS ÿ COS Interpreter Command Table ----------------------------- F8BE 43 41 CA F8C0 54 FA 2A 4C 4F 41 44 F9 58 53 41 56 45 FA BB 52 T..LOAD..SAVE..R F8D0 55 4E FA 20 4D 4F 4E FA 1A 4E 4F 4D 4F 4E FA 19 UN..MON..NOMON.. F8E0 46 4C 4F 41 44 F9 55 44 4F 53 0D E0 00 F9 26 FLOAD..DOS..... COS Interpreter subroutine -------------------------- - All '*' prefixed commands are interpreted here. - Exits to all COS routines with carry clear, decimal mode flag cleared and X register = 0 - Jumps to default COS error handler at #F926 if cannot match command. - Clears the FLOAD flag #DD to zero. F8EF A2 FF LDX @#FF Initialise the command table pointer F8F1 D8 CLD F8F2 A0 00 LDY @#0 F8F4 84 DD STY #DD Clear FLOAD flag (to not FLOAD mode) F8F6 20 76 F8 JSR #F876 Get next non-space char from #100 buffer F8F9 88 DEY F8FA C8 INY Point to next character in #100 buffer F8FB E8 INX F8FC BD BE F8 LDA #F8BE,X Get next character of the command word under comparison from the command table F8FF 30 18 BMI #F919 ..reached MSB command address - success ! F901 D9 00 01 CMP #100,Y Same as character under interpretation ? F904 F0 F4 BEQ #F8FA ..yes, now try to match the next character COMMAND WORD MATCH FAILED - SKIP TO THE END OF THE WORD IN THE TABLE F906 CA DEX F907 E8 INX Point to next character of failed word F908 BD BE F8 LDA #F8BE,X ..and get it F90B 10 FA BPL #F907 ..not reached MSB address - keep searching F90D E8 INX Point to LSB address in command table F90E B9 00 01 LDA #100,Y Get the failed character from the buffer F911 C9 2E CMP @#2E Is it the command abbreviator '.' ? F913 D0 DD BNE #F8F2 ..no, so try to match the next command SUCCESSFUL MATCH OF ABBREVIATED COMMAND F915 C8 INY Skip past the '.' abbreviator F916 CA DEX Point to the MSB address in command table F917 B0 E3 BCS #F8FC ..and fetch it COMMAND WORD MATCH ( OR OUT OF TABLE ) F919 85 CA STA #CA Store MSB address in w/s F91B BD BF F8 LDA #F8BF,X Get LSB address from command table F91E 85 C9 STA #C9 Store LSB address in w/s F920 18 CLC F921 A2 00 LDX @#0 Clear X register before exit F923 6C C9 00 JMP (#C9) Jump to execute the COS command Default COS Error Handler ------------------------- - Sends the string 'COM?' to OSWRCH and then executes BRK. F926 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 Send the following string to WRCHAR F929 43 4F 4D 3F COM? F92D EA NOP Negative string termination byte F92E 00 BRK Load an Un-Named File subroutine -------------------------------- File format : <.........data.........> - Used by OSLOAD. - Entry: #CB = LSB User specified load address #CC = MSB User specified load address #CD = *LOAD flag - if bit 7 is set then the load address at (#CB) is to be used instead of the file's load address - Uses: #D4 = LSB Data start address from header #D5 = MSB Data start address from header #D6 = LSB Data end address from header #D7 = MSB Data end address from header F92F 20 8E FB JSR #FB8E Wait for high tone leader, read the 4 byte header preamble, and test it for '****' F932 50 FA BVC #F92E .. key was pressed - execute BRK F934 F0 F9 BEQ #F92F ..found '****' - skip this named file FOUND UN-NAMED FILE F936 20 2B FC JSR #FC2B Get file start address to (#CB) GET DATA FROM TAPE INTO MEMORY F939 A0 00 LDY @#0 Clear memory pointer F93B 20 D4 FF JSR #FFD4 Get byte of data from tape via OSBGET F93E 91 CB STA (#CB),Y ..and dump to memory F940 E6 CB INC #CB Increment LSB memory pointer F942 D0 02 BNE #F946 F944 E6 CC INC #CC Increment MSB memory pointer if overflow F946 A2 D4 LDX @#D4 Point to start address F948 20 08 FA JSR #FA08 Increment start address, test to see if have reached the end address F94B D0 EE BNE #F93B ..not loaded all the file, get next byte FILE LOADED - RETURN F94D 38 SEC ) F94E 66 DD ROR #DD ) F950 18 CLC ) F951 66 DD ROR #DD ) Set bit 6 and clear bit 7 of FLOAD flag F953 28 PLP Restore interrupt status, pushed by OSLOAD F954 60 RTS Execute the Command '*FLOAD' subroutine --------------------------------------- F955 38 SEC F956 66 DD ROR #DD Set bit 7 of FLOAD flag, indicating FLOAD Execute the Command '*LOAD' subroutine -------------------------------------- - Exits via the LODVEC (#20C) F958 20 18 F8 JSR #F818 Copy quoted filename from #100 buffer to the #140 buffer F95B A2 CB LDX @#CB Point to the vector at #CB, #CC F95D 20 93 F8 JSR #F893 ..and interpret the load address to store it here F960 F0 04 BEQ #F966 ..can't interpret load address - so the file's own load address is to be used F962 A9 FF LDA @#FF F964 85 CD STA #CD Set the load flag, so that the interpreted start address is used, not the file's one F966 20 76 FA JSR #FA76 Do COS interpreter post test F969 A2 C9 LDX @#C9 File data starts at #C9 F96B 6C 0C 02 JMP (#20C) Jump to OSLOAD OSLOAD Load File subroutine --------------------------- - Entry: 0,X = LSB File name string address 1,X = MSB File name string address 2,X = LSB Data dump start address 3,X = MSB Data dump start address 4,X : If bit 7 is clear, then the file's own start address is to be used #DD = FLOAD flag - bit 7 is set if in FLOAD mode - Uses: #C9 = LSB File name string address #CA = MSB File name string address #CB = LSB Data dump start address #CC = MSB Data dump start address #CD = load flag - if bit 7 is set, then the load address at (#CB) is to be used instead of the file's load address #D0 = MSB Current block number #D1 = LSB Current block number - Header format: <*> ) <*> ) <*> ) <*> ) Header preamble ) Name is 1 to 13 bytes long ) Bit 7 clear if last block ) Bit 6 clear to skip block ) Bit 5 clear if first block ) Always zero - Data format: <....data....> ) 1 to #FF bytes ) LSB sum of all data bytes F96E 08 PHP Save interrupt status F96F 78 SEI No interrupts ! F970 20 4F F8 JSR #F84F Transfer file data to w/s starting at #C9 and test length of filename F973 08 PHP Save result of filename test F974 20 3E FC JSR #FC3E Send message 'PLAY TAPE' to WRCHAR & wait for keypress F977 28 PLP Restore result of filename test F978 F0 B5 BEQ #F92F ..it's zero - load un-named file F97A A9 00 LDA @#0 F97C 85 D0 STA #D0 Clear LSB current block number F97E 85 D1 STA #D1 Clear MSB current block number F980 20 A2 F9 JSR #F9A2 Load the block into memory F983 90 C9 BCC #F94E ..done last block - exit F985 E6 D0 INC #D0 Increment LSB current block number F987 E6 CC INC #CC Increment MSB data dump address F989 D0 F5 BNE #F980 ..and load the next block F98B 18 CLC ..unless overflowed address range F98C 90 C0 BCC #F94E Exit to clear bit 6 of FLOAD flag to indicate failure Print Filename subroutine ------------------------- - Enter at #F992 with Y=0. - Prints the filename starting at #ED and terminated with . - Pads out the filename with spaces to a length of 15 characters. - Returns with carry set. F98E 20 F4 FF JSR #FFF4 Send character to WRCHAR F991 C8 INY Point to next character of filename ENTER HERE F992 B9 ED 00 LDA #ED,Y Get character of filename F995 C9 0D CMP @#D Is it the filename terminator, ? F997 D0 F5 BNE #F98E ..no, print it & fetch the next character PAD OUT PRINT LINE TO 15 CHARACTERS F999 C8 INY Increment character counter F99A 20 FD F7 JSR #F7FD Send a space to WRCHAR F99D C0 0E CPY @#E Reached a count of 14 ? F99F 90 F8 BCC #F999 ..no, send another space to WRCHAR F9A1 60 RTS Load Current Block subroutine ----------------------------- - Entry: #C9 = LSB File name string address #CA = MSB File name string address #CB = LSB Data dump start address #CC = MSB Data dump start address #CD = load flag - if bit 7 is set, then the load address at (#CB) is to be used instead of the file's load address #D0 = MSB Current block number #D1 = LSB Current block number #DD = FLOAD flag - bit 7 is set if in FLOAD mode Uses: #D4 = MSB block address of block under examination #D5 = MSB block address of block under examination #D6 = LSB run address of block under examination #D7 = MSB run address of block under examination #D8 = Number of bytes in block under examination #D9 = LSB block number of block under examination #DA = MSB block number of block under examination #DB = Status flag of block under examination #DC = Computed checksum of block loaded into memory #ED = Start of filename of block under examination F9A2 A9 00 LDA @#0 F9A4 85 DC STA #DC Clear checksum GET HEADER PREAMBLE OF 4 ASTERISKS F9A6 20 8E FB JSR #FB8E Wait for high tone leader, read the 4 byte header preamble, and test it for '****' F9A9 50 F8 BVC #F9A3 .. key was pressed - execute BRK F9AB D0 F5 BNE #F9A2 Preamble not correct - try again GET FILENAME AND TEST IT'S THE RIGHT ONE F9AD 20 C9 FB JSR #FBC9 Get filename from tape, and check it against the reference at (#C9) F9B0 08 PHP Save the result of the filename test F9B1 20 E2 FB JSR #FBE2 Get the remaining 8 bytes of the header F9B4 28 PLP Restore the result of the filename test F9B5 F0 10 BEQ #F9C7 ..it's correct DEAL WITH INCORRECT FILENAME ENCOUNTERED F9B7 A5 DB LDA #DB Get the header status flag F9B9 29 20 AND @#20 Is bit 5 Clear, indicating 1st block ? F9BB 05 EA ORA #EA ENTER HERE F992 B9 ED 00 LDA #ED,Y Get character of filename F995 C9 0D CMP @#D Is it the filename terminator, ? F997 D0 F5 BNE #F98E ..no, print it & fetch the next character PAD OUT PRINT LINE TO 15 CHARACTERS F999 C8 INY Increment character counter F99A 20 FD F7 JSR #F7FD Send a space to WRCHAR F99D C0 0E CPY @#E Reached a count of 14 ? F99F 90 F8 BCC #F999 ..no, send another space to WRCHAR F9A1 60 RTS Load Current Block subroutine ----------------------------- - Entry: #C9 = LSB File name string address #CA = MSB File name string address #CB = LSB Data dump start address #CC = MSB Data dump start address #CD = load flag - if bit 7 is set, then the load address at (#CB) is to be used instead of the file's load address #D0 = MSB Current block number #D1 = LSB Current block number #DD = FLOAD flag - bit 7 is set if in FLOAD mode Uses: #D4 = MSB block address of block under examination #D5 = MSB block address of block under examination #D6 = LSB run address of block under examination #D7 = MSB run address of block under examination #D8 = Number of bytes in block under examination #D9 = LSB block number of block under examination #DA = MSB block number of block under examination #DB = Status flag of block under examination #DC = Computed checksum of block loaded into memory #ED = Start of filename of block under examination F9A2 A9 00 LDA @#0 F9A4 85 DC STA #DC Clear checksum GET HEADER PREAMBLE OF 4 ASTERISKS F9A6 20 8E FB JSR #FB8E Wait for high tone leader, read the 4 byte header preamble, and test it for '****' F9A9 50 F8 BVC #F9A3 .. key was pressed - execute BRK F9AB D0 F5 BNE #F9A2 Preamble not correct - try again GET FILENAME AND TEST IT'S THE RIGHT ONE F9AD 20 C9 FB JSR #FBC9 Get filename from tape, and check it against the reference at (#C9) F9B0 08 PHP Save the result of the filename test F9B1 20 E2 FB JSR #FBE2 Get the remaining 8 bytes of the header F9B4 28 PLP Restore the result of the filename test F9B5 F0 10 BEQ #F9C7 ..it's correct DEAL WITH INCORRECT FILENAME ENCOUNTERED F9B7 A5 DB LDA #DB Get the header status flag F9B9 29 20 AND @#20 Is bit 5 Clear, indicating 1st block ? F9BB 05 EA ORA #EA ..and is the NOMON flag clear ? F9BD D0 E3 BNE #F9A2 ..no, go on to try the next block F9BF 20 92 F9 JSR #F992 ..yes, print the erroneous filename F9C2 20 ED FF JSR #FFED ..followed by F9C5 D0 DB BNE #F9A2 ..and go on to try the next block CHECK BLOCK NUMBER F9C7 A2 02 LDX @#2 Point to LSB block number F9C9 A5 DD LDA #DD In FLOAD mode ? F9CB 30 13 BMI #F9E0 ..yes, load block no matter what it is F9CD B5 CF LDA #CF,X Get LSB OR MSB current block number F9CF D5 D8 CMP #D8,X Is this the block under examination ? F9D1 B0 08 BCS #F9DB ..Perhaps, it's less than or equal to BLOCK NUMBER LARGER THAN THAT REQUIRED F9D3 A9 05 LDA @#5 F9D5 20 40 FC JSR #FC40 Print message 'REWIND TAPE' F9D8 20 3E FC JSR #FC3E Print message 'PLAY TAPE' F9DB D0 C5 BNE #F9A2 ..and try the next block F9DD CA DEX F9DE D0 ED BNE #F9CD ..test the MSB block number too LOAD BLOCK INTO MEMORY F9E0 20 2B FC JSR #FC2B Set up file loading address F9E3 24 DB BIT #DB Test status - allowed to load this block ? F9E5 50 0B BVC #F9F2 ..no, do 'SUM' error F9E7 88 DEY F9E8 C8 INY Point to next data memory location F9E9 20 D4 FF JSR #FFD4 Get data byte from tape via OSBGET F9EC 91 CB STA (#CB),Y ..and dump to memory F9EE C4 D8 CPY #D8 Got all the bytes in the block ? F9F0 D0 F6 BNE #F9E8 ..no, keep loading F9F2 A5 DC LDA #DC Get checksum F9F4 85 CE STA #CE ..into w/s F9F6 20 D4 FF JSR #FFD4 Get checksum from tape via OSBGET F9F9 C5 CE CMP #CE Same as checksum calculated during load ? F9FB F0 08 BEQ #FA05 ..yes, test for last block and return DEAL WITH CHECKSUM ERROR F9FD 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 Send the follwing string to WRCHAR FA00 53 55 4D SUM FA03 EA NOP String termination byte FA04 00 BRK FA05 26 DB ROL #DB Clear carry if last block flag clear FA07 60 RTS ÿ Increment and Test Vector subroutine ------------------------------------ - Increments the 2 byte vector at (0),X and compares with (2),X. - Returns with Zero flag set if the two vectors are equal. FA08 F6 00 INC #0,X Increment LSB vector 1 FA0A D0 02 BNE #FA0E FA0C F6 01 INC #1,X Increment MSB vector 1 if overflow FA0E B5 00 LDA #0,X Get LSB vector 1 FA10 D5 02 CMP #2,X Same as LSB vector 2 ? FA12 D0 04 BNE #FA18 ..no, return with Z flag clear FA14 B5 01 LDA #1,X Get MSB vector 1 FA16 D5 03 CMP #3,X Same as MSB vector 2 ? FA18 60 RTS Execute the Command '*NOMON' subroutine --------------------------------------- - Sets all the bits of the NOMON flag at #EA. - Enter with X=0. FA19 CA DEX Now X=#FF Execute the Command '*MON' subroutine ------------------------------------- - Clears all the bits of the NOMON flag at #EA. - Enter with X=0. FA1A 20 76 FA JSR #FA76 Do COS interpreter post test FA1D 86 EA STX #EA Set/clear the NOMON flag as appropriate FA1F 60 RTS Execute the Command '*RUN' -------------------------- FA20 20 58 F9 JSR #F958 Execute '*LOAD' FA23 24 DD BIT #DD FA25 70 4C BVS #FA73 If bit 6 of #DD is set then jump via (#CB) FA27 6C D6 00 JMP (#D6) ..otherwise Execute the Command '*CAT' -------------------------- FA2A 08 PHP Save status FA2B 20 76 FA JSR #FA76 Do COS interpreter post test FA2E 20 3E FC JSR #FC3E Print message 'PLAY TAPE' & get keypress FA31 20 8E FB JSR #FB8E Wait for high tone leader, read the 4 byte header preamble, and test it FA34 70 02 BVS #FA38 ..if not pressed, print header FA36 28 PLP Restore status FA37 60 RTS FA38 F0 0A BEQ #FA44 ..deal with named block DEAL WITH UN-NAMED FILE FA3A A0 00 LDY @#0 FA3C 20 99 F9 JSR #F999 Print blank filename FA3F 20 EC F7 JSR #F7EC Print start & last+1 address in hex FA42 D0 19 BNE #FA5D Send to WRCHAR, go for next block DEAL WITH NAMED BLOCK FA44 20 C9 FB JSR #FBC9 Get filename from tape via OSBGET FA47 20 E2 FB JSR #FBE2 Get rest of header from tape via OSBGET FA4A 20 92 F9 JSR #F992 Print header, padded out to 15 characters FA4D 20 EC F7 JSR #F7EC Print the block address at (#D4), a space, then the run address at (#D6) in hex FA50 26 DB ROL #DB If bit 6 of the block status flag is clear FA52 10 09 BPL #FA5D ..then omit printing the block number FA54 E8 INX Now X=#D9 FA55 20 F1 F7 JSR #F7F1 Print the block number at (#D9) in hex FA58 B5 FD LDA #FD,X Get the number of bytes in the block (#D8) FA5A 20 02 F8 JSR #F802 ..and print it in hex FA5D 20 ED FF JSR #FFED Send to WRCHAR FA60 D0 CF BNE #FA31 ..and go on to read the next header FA62 4C ED FF JMP #FFED Read 4 Hex Characters from #100 buffer with Invalid Test subroutine ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Reads a hex number as an ASCII string in the Direct Mode buffer pointed to by #100,Y and stores the 2 byte result in the zero page vector X (LSB) to X+1 (MSB). - Interpretation stops at the first invalid hex digit, and returns with the Y register pointing to this character. - The zero page byte X+2 is used for workspace. - The Zero flag is set if the first character is invalid. - 'SYN?' is printed and BRK executed if the first character is invalid. FA65 20 93 F8 JSR #F893 Interpret hex number into vector X, X+1 FA68 F0 13 BEQ #FA7D ..failed - print 'SYN?' and execute BRK FA6A 60 RTS Get a Hexadecimal Number and Jump There --------------------------------------- FA6B A2 CB LDX @#CB Point to vector at #CB, #CC FA6D 20 65 FA JSR #FA65 ..and interpret the hex number at #100,Y FA70 20 76 FA JSR #FA76 Do the interpreter post test FA73 6C CB 00 JMP (#CB) Jump to the address just interpreted COS Post Test subroutine ------------------------ - Checks for or spaces leading to a in the #100 buffer after the current position pointed to by the Y register on entry. - Prints 'SYN?' and executes BRK on failure. FA76 20 76 F8 JSR #F876 Get the first non-space character from the #100,Y buffer FA79 C9 0D CMP @#D Is it ? FA7B F0 A2 BEQ #FA1F ..yes, RTS FA7D 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 ..no, send the following string to WRCHAR FA80 53 59 4E 3F SYN? FA84 EA NOP String termination byte FA85 00 BRK Save an Un-Named File subroutine -------------------------------- - File format : <.........data.........> - Used by OSSAVE. - Entry: #CB = LSB File reload start address #CC = MSB File reload start address #CD = LSB File reload end address+1 #CE = MSB File reload end address+1 #CF = LSB File start address #D0 = MSB File start address #D1 = LSB File end address+1 #D2 = MSB File end address+1 CALCULATE RELOAD ADDRESSES FA86 38 SEC FA87 A5 D1 LDA #D1 Get LSB end address+1 FA89 E5 CF SBC #CF Subtract LSB start address FA8B 48 PHA ..and save LSB file length FA8C A5 D2 LDA #D2 Get MSB end address+1 FA8E E5 D0 SBC #D0 Subtract MSB start address FA90 A8 TAY ..and save MSB file length FA91 68 PLA Restore LSB file length FA92 18 CLC FA93 65 CB ADC #CB Add LSB file reload address FA95 85 CD STA #CD ..and store LSB last reloaded byte+1 FA97 98 TYA Restore MSB file length FA98 65 CC ADC #CC Add MSB file reload address FA9A 85 CE STA #CE ..and store MSB last reloaded byte+1 SEND FILE HEADER TO TAPE FA9C A0 04 LDY @#4 Set up byte counter - 4 bytes in header FA9E B9 CA 00 LDA #CA,Y Get file reload start and end addresses FAA1 20 D1 FF JSR #FFD1 ..and send to tape via OSBPUT FAA4 88 DEY Point to next address byte FAA5 D0 F7 BNE #FA9E ..and send all 4 bytes SEND DATA AS ONE CONTINUOUS FILE FAA7 B1 CF LDA (#CF),Y Get data from memory FAA9 20 D1 FF JSR #FFD1 ..and send it to tape via OSBPUT FAAC E6 CF INC #CF Increment LSB memory address FAAE D0 02 BNE #FAB2 FAB0 E6 D0 INC #D0 Increment MSB memory address if overflow FAB2 A2 CB LDX @#CB Point to vectors (#CB) and (#CD) FAB4 20 08 FA JSR #FA08 Increment (#CB) and compare with (#CD) FAB7 D0 EE BNE #FAA7 ..not reached end of file FAB9 28 PLP Restore interrupt status pushed by OSSAVE FABA 60 RTS Execute the Command '*SAVE' --------------------------- - Sets up the file address data from #C9 to #D1, and then calls the file save routine indirected by SAVVEC at (#20E), which is normally #FAE5. - Uses: #C9 = LSB File name string address #CA = MSB File name string address #CB = LSB Data Reload address #CC = MSB Data Reload address #CD = LSB Data Execution address #CE = MSB Data Execution address #CF = LSB Data start address #D0 = MSB Data start address #D1 = LSB Data end address + 1 #D2 = MSB Data end address + 1 FABB 20 18 F8 JSR #F818 Copy filename string from #100 buffer to the #140 buffer FABE A2 CB LDX @#CB Point to vector at #CB, #CC FAC0 20 65 FA JSR #FA65 ..and interpret start address to this vector, printing 'SYN?' & BRK if fail FAC3 A2 D1 LDX @#D1 Point to vector at #D1, #D2 FAC5 20 65 FA JSR #FA65 ..and interpret end address to this vector, printing 'SYN?' & BRK if fail FAC8 A2 CD LDX @#CD Point to vector at #CD, #CE FACA 20 93 F8 JSR #F893 ..and interpret run address to this vector, if it has been specified FACD 08 PHP Save success/failure flag for the run address interpretation FACE A5 CB LDA #CB Get LSB start address FAD0 A6 CC LDX #CC Get MSB start address FAD2 28 PLP Restore run address success/failure flag FAD3 D0 04 BNE #FAD9 ..run address was specified FILE RUN ADDRESS NOT SPECIFIED - SET RUN ADDRESS TO FILE START ADDRESS AS DEFAULT FAD5 85 CD STA #CD Set LSB run address = LSB start address FAD7 86 CE STX #CE Set MSB run address = MSB start address SET FILE START ADDRESS = RELOAD ADDRESS FAD9 85 CF STA #CF Set LSB start address = LSB reload address FADB 86 D0 STX #D0 Set MSB start address = MSB reload address FADD 20 76 FA JSR #FA76 Do COS interpreter post test FAE0 A2 C9 LDX @#C9 Point to file address data starting at #C9 FAE2 6C 0E 02 JMP (#20E) ..and jump to OSSAVE Save File subroutine -------------------- - Enter with X pointing to the start of the file address data. Note: X=#52 when OSSAVE is called by the SAVE routine at #CF0A. X=#C9 when OSSAVE is called by the *SAVE routine at #FABB. - Entry: 0,X = LSB File name string address 1,X = MSB File name string address 2,X = LSB Data Reload address 3,X = MSB Data Reload address 4,X = LSB Data Execution address 5,X = MSB Data Execution address 6,X = LSB Data start address 7,X = MSB Data start address 8,X = LSB Data end address + 1 9,X = MSB Data end address + 1 - Uses: #CF = Number of bytes in current block #D0 = LSB current block number #D1 = MSB current block number #D2 = Block flag - Bit 7 clear if last block Bit 6 clear if block not to be loadable Bit 5 set if first block #D3 = LSB current data start address #D4 = MSB current data start address #D5 = LSB current data end address #D6 = MSB current data end address #DC = LSB current data block arithmetic checksum - Header format: <*> ) <*> ) <*> ) <*> ) Header preamble ) Name is 1 to 13 bytes long ) Bit 7 clear if last block ) Bit 6 clear to skip block ) Bit 5 clear if first block ) Always zero - Data format: <....data....> ) 1 to #FF bytes ) LSB sum of all data bytes FAE5 08 PHP Save flags FAE6 78 SEI No interrupts ! FAE7 20 4F F8 JSR #F84F Transfer file data to w/s starting at #C9 Test filename - set Zero flag if length of filename is zero FAEA 08 PHP Save filename test flag FAEB A9 06 LDA @#6 Code to print 'RECORD TAPE' FAED 20 40 FC JSR #FC40 Start high tone, print 'RECORD TAPE' and wait for a keypress before return SEND 2 SECONDS OF HIGH TONE LEADER FAF0 A2 07 LDX @#7 Get code to set 3 LSB's of port B high FAF2 20 7A FB JSR #FB7A Wait 2 seconds with high tone enabled FAF5 28 PLP Restore result of filename test FAF6 F0 8E BEQ #FA86 ..deal with un-named file COPY DATA START & END ADDRESSES TO W/S FAF8 A2 04 LDX @#4 FAFA B5 CE LDA #CE,X Get data from here FAFC 95 D2 STA #D2,X ..and store it there FAFE CA DEX Decrement counter FAFF D0 F9 BNE #FAFA ..copy all 4 bytes CLEAR BLOCK NUMBER FB01 86 D0 STX #D0 Clear LSB block number FB03 86 D1 STX #D1 Clear MSB block number DECREMENT (END ADDRESS + 1) TO GET THE CORRECT END ADDRESS FB05 A5 D5 LDA #D5 Get LSB end address + 1 FB07 D0 02 BNE #FB0B ..it's not zero FB09 C6 D6 DEC #D6 If LSB is zero, decrement MSB too FB0B C6 D5 DEC #D5 Decrement LSB end address + 1 FB0D 18 CLC Clear block flag bit to indicate 1st block FB0E 66 D2 ROR #D2 This gets shifted down to bit 5 CALCULATE BLOCK SIZE FB10 38 SEC FB11 A2 FF LDX @#FF Get the default block size FB13 A5 D5 LDA #D5 Get the LSB end address FB15 E5 D3 SBC #D3 ..and subtract the LSB current address FB17 85 CF STA #CF This is the number of bytes in the block ONLY IF it's the last block FB19 A5 D6 LDA #D6 Get the MSB end address FB1B E5 D4 SBC #D4 ..and subtract the MSB current address FB1D 08 PHP Save Carry flag FB1E 66 D2 ROR #D2 ..and shift into block flag, to be shifted to bit 6 - if clear block will not load ! FB20 28 PLP Restore Carry flag FB21 90 06 BCC #FB29 ..it's the last block, so clear bit 7 of the block flag to indicate this FB23 18 CLC FB24 F0 03 BEQ #FB29 ..it's the last block, so clear bit 7 of the block flag to indicate this FB26 86 CF STX #CF Otherwise set block length to default #FF FB28 38 SEC Indicate that it's NOT the last block FB29 66 D2 ROR #D2 Set/clear last block flag - bit 7 of the block flag - as appropriate FB2B E8 INX Unnecessary !!! FB2C 20 3B FB JSR #FB3B Send header and data block to tape FB2F E6 D0 INC #D0 Increment LSB current block number FB31 E6 D4 INC #D4 Increment MSB current data start address FB33 E6 CC INC #CC Increment MSB current data reload address FB35 26 D2 ROL #D2 Was the previous block the last block ? FB37 B0 D5 BCS #FB0E ..no, go to send the next block, with Carry set to set bit 5 of block flag since this block will not be first block FB39 28 PLP ..yes, restore interrupt status FB3A 60 RTS ..and return ÿ Send Header and Data Block to Tape subroutine --------------------------------------------- FB3B A2 07 LDX @#7 Code for tone on FB3D 20 7A FB JSR #FB7A Wait 2 seconds with tone on FB40 86 DC STX #DC Clear checksum SEND HEADER PREAMBLE OF 4 ASTERISKS FB42 A0 04 LDY @#4 Number of asterisks in preamble FB44 A9 2A LDA @#2A Get '*' FB46 20 D1 FF JSR #FFD1 ..and send to tape via OSBPUT FB49 88 DEY Decrement asterisk counter FB4A D0 F8 BNE #FB44 ..and send all 4 asterisks SEND FILENAME FB4C B1 C9 LDA (#C9),Y Get character of filename FB4E 20 D1 FF JSR #FFD1 ..and send to tape via OSBPUT FB51 C8 INY Point to the next character of filename FB52 C9 0D CMP @#D Reached filename terminator ? FB54 D0 F6 BNE #FB4C ..no, go for the next character SEND REMAINS OF HEADER FB56 A0 08 LDY @#8 Get number of bytes of header data to send FB58 B9 CA 00 LDA #CA,Y Get header data byte FB5B 20 D1 FF JSR #FFD1 ..and send it to tape via OSBPUT FB5E 88 DEY Point to the next byte FB5F D0 F7 BNE #FB58 ..and send all 8 bytes FB61 20 81 FB JSR #FB81 Wait 0.5 seconds between header and data FB64 24 D2 BIT #D2 If bit 6 of block flag is clear.. FB66 50 0B BVC #FB73 ..then don't send the block ! SEND DATA FB68 88 DEY FB69 C8 INY Point to the next byte of data FB6A B1 D3 LDA (#D3),Y ..and fetch it FB6C 20 D1 FF JSR #FFD1 Send byte to tape via OSBPUT FB6F C4 CF CPY #CF Sent all the bytes in the block ? FB71 D0 F6 BNE #FB69 ..no, go for the next byte FB73 A5 DC LDA #DC Get checksum FB75 20 D1 FF JSR #FFD1 ..and send it to tape via OSBPUT Wait 2 Seconds with Tape Tone Off subroutine -------------------------------------------- FB78 A2 04 LDX @#4 Get code to set PC0 and PC1 low Wait 2 Seconds subroutine ------------------------- - Tone to tape set by X register. - If X=4, tone is off. - If X=7, tone is on. FB7A 8E 02 B0 STX #B002 Set bits of 8255 PIA port C FB7D A2 78 LDX @#78 Set counter to 180 60ths of a second FB7F D0 02 BNE #FB83 ..and count this many CRT flybacks Wait 0.5 Second subroutine -------------------------- FB81 A2 1E LDX @#1E Set counter to 30 60ths of a second Wait up to 4.25 Seconds subroutine ---------------------------------- - Waits X 60ths of a second. FB83 20 66 FE JSR #FE66 Wait for CRT flyback (one 60th of second) FB86 CA DEX Decrement 60ths of a second counter FB87 D0 FA BNE #FB83 FB89 60 RTS Wait 0.1 second subroutine -------------------------- FB8A A2 06 LDX @#6 Set counter to 6 60ths of a second FB8C D0 F5 BNE #FB83 ..and count this many CRT flybacks Read Header from Tape and Test for Un-Named File subroutine ----------------------------------------------------------- - Waits for 2 seconds of uninterrupted high tone leader, and then loads the first 4 data bytes into workspace #D3..#D6. - If these 4 bytes are a valid header preamble '****', returns with Z set and Y=0. - If key pressed during leader search, returns with V clear. - If key pressed during leader search, leader search is skipped. WAIT FOR & KEYS UNTOUCHED FB8E 2C 01 B0 BIT #B001 Test keyboard FB91 10 FB BPL #FB8E ..wait until key not pressed FB93 50 F9 BVC #FB8E ..and until key not pressed WAIT FOR HIGH TONE LEADER FB95 A0 00 LDY @#0 ) FB97 85 C3 STA #C3 ) Set counter to #1000 FB99 A9 10 LDA @#10 ) Must detect 4096 cycles of high tone FB9B 85 C2 STA #C2 ) leader FB9D 2C 01 B0 BIT #B001 Test keyboard FBA0 10 0F BPL #FBB1 If pressed, skip leader search FBA2 50 0D BVC #FBB1 If pressed, return now FBA4 20 BD FC JSR #FCBD Count duration of tape pulse FBA7 B0 EC BCS #FB95 ..low tone detected - reset the leader counter and start searching again FBA9 C6 C3 DEC #C3 Decrement LSB leader counter FBAB D0 F0 BNE #FB9D FBAD C6 C2 DEC #C2 Decrement MSB leader counter if overflow FBAF D0 EC BNE #FB9D ..keep going until counted down to zero FBB1 70 01 BVS #FBB4 If not pressed, go on to load the header preamble FBB3 60 RTS LOAD HEADER PREAMBLE FBB4 A0 04 LDY @#4 Set byte counter to load 4 bytes FBB6 08 PHP Save state of overflow flag (it's clear) FBB7 20 E4 FB JSR #FBE4 Read 4 bytes from tape via OSBGET FBBA 28 PLP Restore state of overflow flag (clear) TEST HEADER PREAMBLE IS IT '****' ? FBBB A0 04 LDY @#4 Set preamble byte counter FBBD A9 2A LDA @#2A Get '*' FBBF D9 D3 00 CMP #D3,Y Is this byte of the preamble an asterisk ? FBC2 D0 03 BNE #FBC7 ..no, return with Carry clear - failure FBC4 88 DEY ..yes, point to next byte of preamble FBC5 D0 F8 BNE #FBBF ..and test all 4 bytes FBC7 60 RTS Read Name from Tape and Compare Names subroutine ------------------------------------------------ - Reads bytes from tape up to filename terminator #D (), and stores the filename in workspace starting at #ED. - Compares the read filename with the filename at (#C9), and returns with Z set if filenames match. - Enter with Y=0 at #FBC9. GET FILENAME FROM TAPE FBC8 C8 INY Point to the next byte of w/s FBC9 20 D4 FF JSR #FFD4 Get byte from tape via OSBGET FBCC 99 ED 00 STA #ED,Y ..and copy to w/s FBCF C9 0D CMP @#D Was it filename terminator ? FBD1 D0 F5 BNE #FBC8 ..no, keep loading COMPARE LOADED FILENAME WITH EXPECTED FBD3 A0 FF LDY @#FF Set filename character pointer FBD5 C8 INY Point to the next character FBD6 B1 C9 LDA (#C9),Y Get character of source filename FBD8 D9 ED 00 CMP #ED,Y ..and compare with loaded filename FBDB D0 EA BNE #FBC7 ..mismatch - return with Zero flag clear FBDD C9 0D CMP @#D Reached the filename terminator ? FBDF D0 F4 BNE #FBD5 ..no, keep testing FBE1 60 RTS ..yes, return with Zero flag set Get 8 Bytes from Tape into Workspace subroutine ----------------------------------------------- - Gets 8 bytes from tape via OSBGET into workspace starting at #DB backwards to #D4. - Returns with Y=0 and zero flag set. FBE2 A0 08 LDY @#8 Set byte counter FBE4 20 D4 FF JSR #FFD4 Get byte from tape via OSBGET FBE7 99 D3 00 STA #D3,Y ..and store in w/s FBEA 88 DEY Decrement byte counter FBEB D0 F7 BNE #FBE4 ..fetch and store all 8 bytes FBED 60 RTS OSBGET Get Byte from Tape subroutine -------------------------------------- - Reads a byte from tape at 300 baud into the accumulator and adds its value to the arithmetic checksum at #DC. - Preserves X,Y registers and flags. - Uses: #C3 = Temporary storage for Y register #EC = Temporary storage for X register FBEE 86 EC STX #EC Save the X register FBF0 84 C3 STY #C3 Save the Y register FBF2 08 PHP Save interrupt status FBF3 78 SEI No interrupts ! GET 0 START BIT FBF4 A9 78 LDA @#78 Count 8 half cycles - from #78 to #80 FBF6 85 C0 STA #C0 Set transition counter FBF8 20 BD FC JSR #FCBD Count duration of tape pulse FBFB 90 F7 BCC #FBF4 ..duration less than 8, so it's a 1 bit FBFD E6 C0 INC #C0 Increment transition counter FBFF 10 F7 BPL #FBF8 ..count 8 half cycles of 1.2 KHz = a 0 bit GET 8 BIT BYTE FROM TAPE INTO #C0 ENTER WITH ?#C0=#80 FC01 A9 53 LDA @#53 Loop counter - this many passes through the loop takes 3.3mS FC03 85 C4 STA #C4 Set loop counter FC05 A2 00 LDX @#0 Clear input transition counter FC07 AC 02 B0 LDY #B002 Get input pulse FC0A 20 CD FC JSR #FCCD ..and test state of the input pulse FC0D F0 00 BEQ #FC0F ..no change ( takes same time whether ) FC0F F0 01 BEQ #FC12 ..no change ( equal or not ) FC11 E8 INX Increment input pulse transition counter FC12 C6 C4 DEC #C4 Decrement loop counter FC14 D0 F4 BNE #FC0A ..test for one bit time FC16 E0 0C CPX @#C Test whether the bit is 0 or 1 - a 0 should give 8 transitions, and a a 1 should give 16 transitions, so this tests against the average of 12 - giving a large error margin ! FC18 66 C0 ROR #C0 Rotate bit into the partial byte FC1A 90 E5 BCC #FC01 ..have done all the 8 bits when the origionally set MSB of #C0 shifts down to the Carry flag FC1C A5 C0 LDA #C0 Get the resulting complete byte FC1E 28 PLP Restore interrupt status FC1F A4 C3 LDY #C3 Restore the X register FC21 A6 EC LDX #EC Restore the Y register Add Byte to Checksum subroutine ------------------------------- - Adds the contents of the accumulator to the arithmetic checksum at #DC. - A,X,Y registers preserved. FC23 48 PHA Save the byte fetched from tape FC24 18 CLC FC25 65 DC ADC #DC ..and add it to the checksum FC27 85 DC STA #DC Update the checksum FC29 68 PLA Restore the byte fetched from tape FC2A 60 RTS Set up Block Load Address subroutine ------------------------------------ - If bit 7 of start address flag #CD is clear, then the vector #D4, #D5 is copied to #CB, #CC. FC2B A5 CD LDA #CD Is file's own load address to be used ? FC2D 30 08 BMI #FC37 ..no, return FC2F A5 D4 LDA #D4 Get the LSB load address from header w/s FC31 85 CB STA #CB ..and set the LSB data dump address FC33 A5 D5 LDA #D5 Get the MSB load address from header w/s FC35 85 CC STA #CC ..and set the MSB data dump address FC37 60 RTS Print "PLAY TAPE" or "RECORD TAPE" subroutine --------------------------------------------- - Does full test for MON/NOMON, flagged by #EA. - Entry: Carry clear - Prints 'RECORD TAPE' if bits 1 & 2 of #EA are clear Carry set - Prints 'PLAY TAPE' if bit 2 of #EA is clear - Entry with Acc=5 at #FC40 prints 'REWIND TAPE' if bits 0, 1 & 2 of #EA are clear. - Waits for keypress before return. FC38 B0 04 BCS #FC3E ..deal with 'PLAY TAPE' FC3A A9 06 LDA @#6 Get 'RECORD TAPE' NOMON mask FC3C D0 02 BNE #FC40 ..and go to test FC3E A9 04 LDA @#4 Get 'PLAY TAPE' NOMON mask FC40 A2 07 LDX @#7 FC42 8E 02 B0 STX #B002 Enable high tone leader to tape output FC45 24 EA BIT #EA Is NOMON set for this function ? FC47 D0 2D BNE #FC76 ..yes, skip message printing FC49 C9 05 CMP @#5 Is it 'REWIND TAPE' ? FC4B F0 16 BEQ #FC63 ..yes FC4D B0 09 BCS #FC58 ..no, it's 'RECORD' FC4F 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 Send the following string to OSWRCH FC52 50 4C 41 59 PLAY FC56 D0 15 BNE #FC6D Print 'TAPE' FC58 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 Send the following string to OSWRCH FC5B 52 45 43 4F 52 44 RECORD FC61 D0 0A BNE #FC6D Print 'TAPE' Print "REWIND TAPE" subroutine ------------------------------ - Waits for keypress before return. FC63 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 Send the following string to OSWRCH FC66 52 45 57 49 4E 44 REWIND FC6C EA NOP String termination byte FC6D 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 Send the following string to OSWRCH FC70 20 54 41 50 45 TAPE FC75 EA NOP String termination byte Wait for Keypress and Print subroutine ----------------------------------------------- FC76 20 E3 FF JSR #FFE3 Get keypress via OSRDCH FC79 4C ED FF JMP #FFED Send to OSWRCH OSBPUT Put Byte to Tape subroutine ---------------------------------- - Sends the byte in the accumulator to tape at 300 baud and adds it to the checksum at #DC. - Byte format consists of: 1 '0' start bit 8 data bits 1 '1' stop bit - Preserves A,X,Y registers and flags. FC7C 86 EC STX #EC Save the X register FC7E 84 C3 STY #C3 Save the Y register FC80 08 PHP Save interrupt status FC81 78 SEI No interrupts ! FC82 48 PHA Save byte to be sent FC83 20 23 FC JSR #FC23 Add byte to checksum at #DC FC86 85 C0 STA #C0 Save byte to be sent in w/s FC88 20 D8 FC JSR #FCD8 Wait for 1 falling edge of 2.4 KHz FC8B A9 0A LDA @#A Number of bits = 1 start + 8 data + 1 stop FC8D 85 C1 STA #C1 Set bit counter FC8F 18 CLC FC90 90 0A BCC #FC9C Send '0' start bit then 8 data bits SEND 8 CYCLES OF 2.4 KHz TO TAPE - '1' BIT FC92 A2 07 LDX @#7 Set cycle counter FC94 8E 02 B0 STX #B002 Set 3 LSB's of 8255 PIA port C high, thus enabling the 2.4 KHz clock FC97 20 DA FC JSR #FCDA Wait for 7 further falling edges FC9A 30 13 BMI #FCAF ..and go on to deal with the next bit SEND 4 CYCLES OF 1.2 KHz TO TAPE - '1' BIT FC9C A0 04 LDY @#4 Set cycle counter FC9E A9 04 LDA @#4 FCA0 8D 02 B0 STA #B002 Clear the 2 LSB's of 8255 PIA port C, thus disabling the 2.4 KHz clock FCA3 20 D8 FC JSR #FCD8 Wait for 1 falling edge of the 2.4 KHz clock - tape output is high FCA6 EE 02 B0 INC #B002 Set the LSB of 8255 PIA port C, so that the 2.4 KHz is still disabled, but the tape output is low FCA9 20 D8 FC JSR #FCD8 Wait for 1 falling edge of 2.4 KHz clock FCAC 88 DEY Decrement cycle counter FCAD D0 EF BNE #FC9E ..do all 4 cycles DEAL WITH NEXT BIT FCAF 38 SEC Set Carry so 1 is shifted in and hence the stop bit is '1' FCB0 66 C0 ROR #C0 Shift the next bit for transmission into the Carry flag FCB2 C6 C1 DEC #C1 Decrement bit counter FCB4 D0 DA BNE #FC90 ..send this bit, unless sent all the bits FCB6 A4 C3 LDY #C3 Restore the Y register FCB8 A6 EC LDX #EC Restore the X register FCBA 68 PLA Restore accumulator FCBB 28 PLP Restore interrupt status FCBC 60 RTS Count Duration of Tape Pulse subroutine --------------------------------------- - Returns with Zero flag set if the total number of loops was 8. - Returns with Carry set if total number of loops was > 7. - Returns with Carry clear if total number of loops was < 8. - Returns with X=count, but if X=0 then no change was detected in 256 loops. - Stores the on entry state of ?#B002 at #C5, returns with Y=new state. FCBD A2 00 LDX @#0 Clear loop counter FCBF AC 02 B0 LDY #B002 Get origional state of input pulse FCC2 E8 INX Increment loop counter FCC3 F0 07 BEQ #FCCC ..failed to detect change in 256 loops FCC5 20 CD FC JSR #FCCD Has input pulse level changed ? FCC8 F0 F8 BEQ #FCC2 ..no, increment counter & test again FCCA E0 08 CPX @#8 Compare loop counter with 8 before return FCCC 60 RTS Test state of #B002 tape input pulse subroutine ----------------------------------------------- - Entry: Y = ?#B002 - Exit: Y = new ?#B002 ?#C5 = old #B002 - Returns with Z set if no change. FCCD 84 C5 STY #C5 Save origional state of input pulse FCCF AD 02 B0 LDA #B002 Get current state of input pulse FCD2 A8 TAY ..and keep a copy of the new state FCD3 45 C5 EOR #C5 Has it changed ? FCD5 29 20 AND @#20 Mask off all but the input bit FCD7 60 RTS return with Z set if no change in level Wait for 1 Falling Edge of the 2.4KHz Clock subroutine ------------------------------------------------------ FCD8 A2 00 LDX @#0 Count 1 falling edge Wait for 1 to 127 Falling Edges of the 2.4KHz Clock subroutine -------------------------------------------------------------- - Waits for X+1 falling edges where 0<=X<=#80. FCDA A9 10 LDA @#10 Get mask for bit 4 of #B002 input port FCDC 2C 02 B0 BIT #B002 Is clock input low ? FCDF F0 FB BEQ #FCDC ..yes, wait for it to go high FCE1 2C 02 B0 BIT #B002 Is clock input high ? FCE4 D0 FB BNE #FCE1 ..yes, wait for it to go low FCE6 CA DEX Decrement falling edge counter FCE7 10 F3 BPL #FCDC ..and count the required number of edges FCE9 60 RTS Send ASCII Character to Screen subroutine ----------------------------------------- - Prints non-control codes (#20 to #FF) at the current cursor position on the screen. - Executes the following control codes: 0 6 7 8 9 #A #B #C #D #E #F #15 #1B TEST FOR CONTROL CODES FCEA C9 06 CMP @#6 Is it ? FCEC F0 1D BEQ #FD0B ..yes, reset the 6847 VDG to alphanumeric mode and clear the NAK flag FCEE C9 15 CMP @#15 Is it ? FCF0 F0 1F BEQ #FD11 ..yes, set the NAK flag FCF2 A4 E0 LDY #E0 Get cursor postion - is the NAK flag bit 7 set ? FCF4 30 23 BMI #FD19 ..yes, printing not allowed - return FCF6 C9 1B CMP @#1B Is it ? FCF8 F0 11 BEQ #FD0B ..yes, reset VDG to alphanumeric mode and and clear NAK flag FCFA C9 07 CMP @#7 Is it ? FCFC F0 1C BEQ #FD1A ..yes, sound a bleep FCFE 20 44 FD JSR #FD44 Invert char at current cursor position FD01 A2 0A LDX @#A Point to the control code table at #FED5 FD03 20 C5 FE JSR #FEC5 Test character for executable control code FD06 D0 21 BNE #FD29 ..it's not an executable control code so print it it if >#1F, otherwise return FD08 4C B7 FE JMP #FEB7 ..executable control code - get the code's execution address and jump to it Handle subroutine ----------------------- - Resets the 6847 VDG to alphanumeric mode. - Clears the NAK flag (bit 7 of #E0). FD0B 18 CLC ..to clear NAK flag FD0C A2 00 LDX @#0 FD0E 8E 00 B0 STX #B000 Reset the VDG to alphanumeric mode Handle or subroutine -------------------------------- - Entry: Carry clear to perform Carry set to perform - Returns with Accumulator and Y registers preserved, and with X=2. FD11 A2 02 LDX @#2 FD13 08 PHP Save state of Carry flag FD14 16 DE ASL #DE,X Get rid of old NAK flag (bit 7) FD16 28 PLP Restore state of Carry flag FD17 76 DE ROR #DE,X ..and shift in the new NAK flag value FD19 60 RTS Handle subroutine ----------------------- - Returns with X=0, Y=128, and the sign flag set. FD1A A9 05 LDA @#5 Get control code to set 8255 PIA port bits C0-C3 to input; A, B, and C4-C7 to output FD1C A8 TAY Set up outer loop counter FD1D 8D 03 B0 STA #B003 Set port C0-C3 to input, so speaker O/P=1 FD20 CA DEX ) FD21 D0 FD BNE #FD20 ) ..a short delay FD23 49 01 EOR @#1 Toggle C0-C3 between input and output FD25 C8 INY Increment outer loop counter FD26 10 F5 BPL #FD1D ..continue for 122 outer loop cycles FD28 60 RTS Print an ASCII Character on the Screen subroutine ------------------------------------------------- - Control characters (codes less than #20) are ignored. - Increments current cursor position, incrementing the print line and/or scrolling the screen as necessary. - Entry: Accumulator contains ASCII code of character to be printed Y register contains current cursor position ?#E0. - Accumulator preserved. FD29 C9 20 CMP @#20 Is the character a control code ? FD2B 90 17 BCC #FD44 ..yes, so don't print it FD2D 69 1F ADC @#1F ) FD2F 30 02 BMI #FD33 ) FD31 49 60 EOR @#60 ) Convert to screen character FD33 20 6B FE JSR #FE6B Wait for the next or current flyback FD36 91 DE STA (#DE),Y Store character at current print position FD38 C8 INY Increment cursor position FD39 C0 20 CPY @#20 Reached end of the current print line ? FD3B 90 05 BCC #FD42 ..no, update cursor position and invert the cursor at this position FD3D 20 EC FD JSR #FDEC ..yes, do first Reset Cursor to Start of Current Line Without Deletion subroutine ----------------------------------------------------------------- FD40 A0 00 LDY @#0 Point to start of current line FD42 84 E0 STY #E0 Update current cursor position register Invert Character at Current Cursor Position subroutine ------------------------------------------------------ - EORs the character at the current cursor position with the cursor mask ?#E1. - A, X, Y registers preserved. FD44 48 PHA Save character in accumulator FD45 20 6B FE JSR #FE6B Wait for the next or current flyback FD48 B1 DE LDA (#DE),Y Get character at current print position FD4A 45 E1 EOR #E1 Mask it FD4C 91 DE STA (#DE),Y ..and return it to the screen FD4E 68 PLA Restore character to accumulator FD4F 60 RTS Handle subroutine ----------------------- - Enter with Y containing the current cursor position ?#E1. FD50 20 35 FE JSR #FE35 Move cursor back one position if possible, otherwise invert character at current cursor position and return FD53 A9 20 LDA @#20 Get FD55 20 6B FE JSR #FE6B Wait for the next or current flyback FD58 91 DE STA (#DE), Blank character at previous cursor pos'n FD5A 10 E6 BPL #FD42 Update cursor position and invert cursor Handle subroutine ---------------------- - Enter with Y containing the current cursor position ?#E1. FD5C 20 35 FE JSR #FE35 Move cursor back one position if possible, otherwise invert character at the current cursor position and return FD5F 4C 42 FD JMP #FD42 Update cursor position and invert cursor Handle subroutine ---------------------- FD62 20 EC FD JSR #FDEC Do , scrolling if necessary FD65 A4 E0 LDY #E0 Get origional cursor position, which has not changed although the line start address may have FD67 10 D9 BPL #FD42 Update cursor position and invert cursor Handle subroutine ---------------------- - Resets the 8647 VDG to the alphanumeric mode and clears the screen. - Sets the cursor to the top left position. FD69 A0 80 LDY @#80 FD6B 84 E1 STY #E1 Set the cursor mask to default FD6D A0 00 LDY @#0 Clear screen memory index FD6F 8C 00 B0 STY #B000 Set 6847 VDG to alphanumeric mode FD72 A9 20 LDA @#20 Get FD74 99 00 80 STA #8000,Y Clear byte of upper page of screen FD77 99 00 81 STA #8100,Y Clear byte of lower page of screen FD7A C8 INY Point to the next byte FD7B D0 F7 BNE #FD74 ..and clear both complete pages Handle subroutine ---------------------- - Sets cursor to top left position. FD7D A9 80 LDA @#80 FD7F A0 00 LDY @#0 Clear current cursor position FD81 85 DF STA #DF ) Set line start address to the top of FD83 84 DE STY #DE ) the screen at #8000 FD85 F0 BB BEQ #FD42 Update cursor position and invert cursor Handle subroutine ---------------------- - Enter with Y containing the current cursor position ?#E1. FD87 20 3A FE JSR #FE3A Move the cursor position up a line FD8A 4C 42 FD JMP #FD42 Update cursor position and invert cursor Handle subroutine ---------------------- - Turns page mode on, and sets the number of lines left to 16. FD8D 18 CLC FD8E A9 10 LDA @#10 Get number of lines in page = 16 FD90 85 E6 STA #E6 Indicate page mode by setting count Handle subroutine ---------------------- - Turns page mode off. - Enter with Carry set. FD92 A2 08 LDX @#8 FD94 20 13 FD JSR #FD13 Set or clear bit 7 of #E6 according to the state of the Carry flag FD97 4C 44 FD JMP #FD44 Invert character at current position Handle subroutine ------------------------ - Toggles the lock flag - #E7 = #60 Lock on #E7 = 0 Lock off - Enter with Carry set. FD9A A5 E7 LDA #E7 Get the lock flag FD9C 49 60 EOR @#60 ..toggle it FD9E 85 E7 STA #E7 ..and restore it FDA0 B0 09 BCS #FDAB Go fetch another keypress Handle Cursor Keys from Keyboard subroutine ------------------------------------------- - Sends the cursor control code to screen and then fetches another key. FDA2 29 05 AND @#5 FDA4 2E 01 B0 ROL #B001 FDA7 2A ROL A FDA8 20 EA FC JSR #FCEA Send control character to screen FDAB 4C 9A FE JMP #FE9A ..and fetch another key Handle Key subroutine ---------------------------- FDAE A4 E0 LDY #E0 Get the current cursor position FDB0 20 6B FE JSR #FE6B Wait for the next or current flyback FDB3 B1 DE LDA (#DE),Y Get character at current cursor position FDB5 45 E1 EOR #E1 Get rid of the cursor mask FDB7 30 02 BMI #FDBB ) FDB9 49 60 EOR @#60 ) FDBB E9 20 SBC @#20 ) Convert screen character to ASCII FDBD 4C E9 FD JMP #FDE9 Restore A,X,Y regs & status & return Handle key #F (ASCII #7F) subroutine ------------------------------------------ FDC0 A9 5F LDA @#5F Handle '[\]^_' keys #3B-#3F (ASCII #5B-#5F) subroutine ------------------------------------------------------ - Enter with accumulator = key number = #20 - ASCII value. FDC2 49 20 EOR @#20 FDC4 D0 23 BNE #FDE9 Handle 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' keys #21-#3A (ASCII #41-#5A) sub -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enter with accumulator = key number = #20 - ASCII value. FDC6 45 E7 EOR #E7 Invert if lock flag set to #60 Handle '@' key #20 (ASCII #40) subroutine ----------------------------------------- FDC8 2C 01 B0 BIT #B001 Is the shift key being pressed ? FDCB 30 02 BMI #FDCF ..no, don't invert the character FDCD 49 60 EOR @#60 ..yes, invert the character FDCF 4C DF FD JMP #FDDF Convert to ASCII & test for key Handle '!"#$' keys 1-4 (ASCII #21-#24) subroutine ------------------------------------------------- - Enter with accumulator = key number = #20 - ASCII value. FDD2 69 39 ADC @#39 FDD4 90 F2 BCC #FDC8 Handle '<=>?>' keys #1C-#1F (ASCII #3C-#3F) subroutine ------------------------------------------------------ - Enter with accumulator = key number = #20 - ASCII value. FDD6 49 10 EOR @#10 Handle '123456789:;' keys #11-#1B (ASCII #31-#3B) subroutine ------------------------------------------------------------ - Enter with accumulator = key number = #20 - ASCII value. FDD8 2C 01 B0 BIT #B001 FDDB 30 02 BMI #FDDF FDDD 49 10 EOR @#10 Handle key 0 (ASCII #10) subroutine ------------------------------------------- CONVERT TO ASCII & TEST FOR KEY FDDF 18 CLC FDE0 69 20 ADC @#20 Convert to ASCII FDE2 2C 01 B0 BIT #B001 Is key pressed ? FDE5 70 02 BVS #FDE9 ..no, restore X, Y & flags & return FDE7 29 1F AND @#1F ..yes, mask to range 0-#1F FDE9 4C 60 FE JMP #FE60 Restore X, Y & flags & return Handle , Scrolling if Necessary subroutine ---------------------------------------------- - If in page mode, decrements page counter, and at the end of the page waits for a keypress before scrolling. FDEC A5 DE LDA #DE Get LSB start of line FDEE A4 DF LDY #DF Get MSB start of line FDF0 C0 81 CPY @#81 In lower screen page ? FDF2 90 38 BCC #FE2C ..no, do - scrolling not required FDF4 C9 E0 CMP @#E0 In last page..but is it the last line ? FDF6 90 34 BCC #FE2C ..no, do - scrolling not required SCROLLING REQUIRED - CHECK IN PAGE MODE FDF8 A4 E6 LDY #E6 Get page mode flag FDFA 30 0C BMI #FE08 ..not in page mode - scroll the screen FDFC 88 DEY FDFD D0 07 BNE #FE06 IN PAGE MODE - GET KEYPRESS FDFF 20 71 FE JSR #FE71 Scan keyboard FE02 B0 FB BCS #FDFF ..keep scanning until key pressed FE04 A0 10 LDY @#10 FE06 84 E6 STY #E6 Reset page counter to 16 lines Scroll the Screen subroutine ---------------------------- FE08 A0 20 LDY @#20 Shift screen up 32 characters = 1 line Scroll Y lines of the Screen subroutine --------------------------------------- - For every #20 in Y a top line of the screen is not scrolled. FE0A 20 66 FE JSR #FE66 Wait for the start of the next flyback FE0D B9 00 80 LDA #8000,Y Get byte from upper text page FE10 99 E0 7F STA #7FE0,Y ..and store it a line higher FE13 C8 INY Point to next screen byte FE14 D0 F7 BNE #FE0D ..and shift up all the upper text page FE16 20 6B FE JSR #FE6B Wait for the next or current flyback FE19 B9 00 81 LDA #8100,Y Get byte from lower text page FE1C 99 E0 80 STA #80E0,Y ..and store it a line higher FE1F C8 INY Point to next screen byte FE20 D0 F7 BNE #FE19 ..and shift up all the lower text page Delete Current Line subroutine ------------------------------ - CLears the 32 character line based at (#DE) to black (). FE22 A0 1F LDY @#1F Set character pointer to end of line FE24 A9 20 LDA @#20 Get FE26 91 DE STA (#DE),Y Clear the character to black FE28 88 DEY Point to the next character FE29 10 FB BPL #FE26 ..and clear the entire print line FE2B 60 RTS Add One Line to the Cursor Position subroutine ---------------------------------------------- - Enter with the accumulator containing the LSB current cursor address #DE and Carry clear. FE2C 69 20 ADC @#20 Add 32 characters = 1 print line FE2E 85 DE STA #DE ..and update LSB cursor address FE30 D0 02 BNE #FE34 FE32 E6 DF INC #DF Increment MSB cursor address if overflow FE34 60 RTS Move the Cursor Back One Position subroutine -------------------------------------------- - Decrements the current cursor position, dealing with line underflow. - If the cursor is at the top left of the screen, the character at this position is inverted before premature return. - Used by the and subroutines. - Enter with Y register holding the current cursor position ?#31. FE35 88 DEY Point to the previous cursor position FE36 10 19 BPL #FE51 ..still on current line, return DEAL WITH LINE UNDERFLOW FE38 A0 1F LDY @#1F Set cursor position to last char on line FE3A A5 DE LDA #DE Get LSB current line address FE3C D0 0B BNE #FE49 ..not at top of screen, so can move line address up a line FE3E A6 DF LDX #DF Get MSB current line address FE40 E0 80 CPX @#80 Is it upper page ? FE42 D0 05 BNE #FE49 ..no, move line address up a line ALREADY AT TOP OF SCREEN - RETURN FE44 68 PLA ) FE45 68 PLA ) Remove return address from stack FE46 4C 65 FD JMP #FD65 Invert char at current cursor position MOVE CURRENT START ADDRESS UP A LINE FE49 E9 20 SBC @#20 Move LSB current line back 32 characters FE4B 85 DE STA #DE ..and update LSB line address FE4D B0 02 BCS #FE51 FE4F C6 DF DEC #DF Decrement MSB line address if overflow FE51 60 RTS Send Character to VIA and Screen subroutine ------------------------------------------- - Preserves all registers. FE52 20 FB FE JSR #FEFB Send character in accumulator to the VIA Send Character to Screen subroutine ----------------------------------- - Preserves all registers. FE55 08 PHP Save flags FE56 48 PHA Save accumulator FE57 D8 CLD FE58 84 E5 STY #E5 Save Y register FE5A 86 E4 STX #E4 Save X register FE5C 20 EA FC JSR #FCEA Send character in accumulator to screen FE5F 68 PLA Restore accumulator FE60 A6 E4 LDX #E4 Restore X register FE62 A4 E5 LDY #E5 Restore Y register FE64 28 PLP Restore flags FE65 60 RTS Wait Until Next CRT Field Flyback subroutine -------------------------------------------- Preserves Accumulator, X, Y registers FE66 2C 02 B0 BIT #B002 In flyback ? FE69 10 FB BPL #FE66 ..yes, wait until finished Wait Until Next or Current CRT Field Flyback subroutine ------------------------------------------------------- FE6B 2C 02 B0 BIT #B002 In flyback ? FE6E 30 FB BMI #FE6B ..no, wait for flyback FE70 60 RTS Scan Key Matrix subroutine -------------------------- - Does not examine the , , or keys. - Enter with the 4 LSBs of #B000 clear. - Returns with ASCII value minus #20 in Y register and Carry clear if successful. - Destroys A,X,Y registers. - Returns with Z flag set. FE71 A0 3B LDY @#3B Set key counter FE73 18 CLC FE74 A9 20 LDA @#20 Initialise bit mask to examine bit 5 FE76 A2 0A LDX @#A Set row counter FE78 2C 01 B0 BIT #B001 Is the key in this row & column pressed ? FE7B F0 08 BEQ #FE85 ..yes - success FE7D EE 00 B0 INC #B000 ..no, point to the next row FE80 88 DEY Decrement key counter FE81 CA DEX Decrement row counter FE82 D0 F4 BNE #FE78 ..and test this row in the same column FE84 4A LSR A Tested all the rows - point to next column If failed, acc shifts to 0, Carry=1 - thus returns with Carry set if failed FE85 08 PHP Save flags - Z set if successful FE86 48 PHA Save column bit mask FE87 AD 00 B0 LDA #B000 Get contents of VDG/row counter port FE8A 29 F0 AND @#F0 Leave VDG bits unaltered, but clear row counter so that can be tested easily FE8C 8D 00 B0 STA #B000 Update VDG/row counter port FE8F 68 PLA Restore column bit mask FE90 28 PLP Restore flags FE91 D0 E3 BNE #FE76 ..keep testing FE93 60 RTS OSRDCH Get Key subroutine ------------------------- - Waits for a key to be pressed and returns with its ASCII value in the accumulator. - Executes control characters before return. - If or cursor control keys is pressed, the code is executed and another keypress fetched before return. - Preserves X,Y registers and flags. FE94 08 PHP Save flags FE95 D8 CLD FE96 86 E4 STX #E4 Save X register FE98 84 E5 STY #E5 Save Y register WAIT FOR KEYBOARD TO BE RELEASED FE9A 2C 02 B0 BIT #B002 Is key pressed ? FE9D 50 05 BVC #FEA4 ..yes, no need to wait for keyboard to be released FE9F 20 71 FE JSR #FE71 Scan keyboard FEA2 90 F6 BCC #FE9A ..wait for key to be released GET KEYPRESS FEA4 20 8A FB JSR #FB8A Wait 0.1 second for debounce FEA7 20 71 FE JSR #FE71 Scan keyboard FEAA B0 FB BCS #FEA7 ..keep scanning until key pressed FEAC 20 71 FE JSR #FE71 Scan keyboard again - still pressed ? FEAF B0 F6 BCS #FEA7 ..no, noise ? - try again FEB1 98 TYA Acc = ASCII value of key - #20 FEB2 A2 17 LDX @#17 Pointer to control code table at #FEE2 GET EXECUTION ADDRESS AND JUMP TO IT FEB4 20 C5 FE JSR #FEC5 Test for control code or otherwise FEB7 BD E3 FE LDA #FEE3,X Get LSB execution address FEBA 85 E2 STA #E2 ..into w/s FEBC A9 FD LDA @#FD Get MSB execution address FEBE 85 E3 STA #E3 ..into w/s FEC0 98 TYA Acc = ASCII value of key - #20 FEC1 6C E2 00 JMP (#E2) Jump to deal with char or control code ÿ Decode Control Character subroutine ----------------------------------- - Enter at #FEC5. - Enter with X pointing to control code table: X=#A for the WRCHAR table at #FED5 X=#17 for the RDCHAR table at #FEE2. - Returns with Carry set, and X pointing to matched code or last code. - Returns with Z flag set if control code matched. FEC4 CA DEX Point to next control code in table FEC5 DD CB FE CMP #FECB,X Is it this control code ? FEC8 90 FA BCC #FEC4 ..no, table value too large - try the next code FECA 60 RTS WRCHAR Control Code Data Lookup Table ------------------------------------- FECB 00 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 1E 7F RDCHAR Control Code Data Lookup Table ------------------------------------- FED6 00 01 05 06 08 0E 0F 10 11 1C 20 21 3B WRCHAR Control Code Address Lookup Table ---------------------------------------- FEE3 44 5C 38 62 87 69 40 8D 92 7D 50 RDCHAR Control Code Address Lookup Table ---------------------------------------- FEEE DF D2 9A A2 E2 AE C0 DF D8 D6 C8 C6 C2 Send Contents of Accumulator to VIA subroutine ---------------------------------------------- - Waits for the busy line VIA Port A bit 7 to go low, then dumps 7 bit data to the 7 LSBs of Port A, and then strobes CA2 low for ~20uS. - Enter with CA2 output set high. - Preserves A,X,Y registers. FEFB 48 PHA Save a copy of data to be transmitted FEFC C9 02 CMP @#2 Is it ? FEFE F0 27 BEQ #FF27 ..yes, initialise the printer FF00 C9 03 CMP @#3 Is it ? FF02 F0 34 BEQ #FF38 ..yes, disable the printer FF04 C5 FE CMP #FE Is char allowed to be sent to printer ? FF06 F0 2E BEQ #FF36 ..no, return FF08 AD 0C B8 LDA #B80C Get the VIAs peripheral control register FF0B 29 0E AND @#E Is it set up, ie ed ? FF0D F0 27 BEQ #FF36 ..no, can't send character - return FF0F 68 PLA Restore character to be sent WAIT FOR PRINTER NOT BUSY FF10 2C 01 B8 BIT #B801 Busy ? FF13 30 FB BMI #FF10 ..yes, wait for printer to be not busy FF15 8D 01 B8 STA #B801 Dump character to printer output port A FF18 48 PHA Save a copy of data that was transmitted FF19 AD 0C B8 LDA #B80C Get 6522 VIA peripheral control register FF1C 29 F0 AND @#F0 Don't affect CB1, CB2, Port B conditions FF1E 09 0C ORA @#C ..but set CA2 low - NSTROBE FF20 8D 0C B8 STA #B80C Update the VIA peripheral control register FF23 09 02 ORA @#2 Don't affect CB1, CB2 conditions, but set CA2 high FF25 D0 0C BNE #FF33 Update PCR, restore character and return DO FF27 A9 7F LDA @#7F FF29 8D 03 B8 STA #B803 Set 7 LSBs of 6522 VIA Port A as the data outputs and the MSB as the busy input FF2C AD 0C B8 LDA #B80C Get 6522 VIA peripheral control register FF2F 29 F0 AND @#F0 Don't affect CB1, CB2, Port B conditions FF31 09 0E ORA @#E ..but set CA2 output high FF33 8D 0C B8 STA #B80C Update the VIA peripheral control register FF36 68 PLA Restore the data that was transmitted FF37 60 RTS Do subroutine ------------------- FF38 AD 0C B8 LDA #B80C Get the VIAs peripheral control register FF3B 29 F0 AND @#F0 Don't affect CB1, CB2, Port B conditions FF3D B0 F4 BCS #FF33 Update PCR, restore character and return RESET Routine ------------- - Indirected by the vector #FFFC on power-up or BREAK. RESET PAGE 2 VECTORS TO DEFAULT FF3F A2 17 LDX @#17 Set vector table pointer FF41 BD 9A FF LDA #FF9A,X Get byte from vector data table FF44 9D 04 02 STA #204,X ..and store in the vector table in RAM FF47 CA DEX Point to next byte FF48 10 F7 BPL #FF41 ..and set all 12 vectors = 24 bytes FF4A 9A TXS Initialise stack pointer to #FF FF4B 8A TXA FF4C E8 INX Now X=0 FF4D 86 EA STX #EA Clear NOMON flag FF4F 86 E1 STX #E1 Clear cursor position FF51 86 E7 STX #E7 Clear lock off SET ALL THE ARRAY POINTERS TO #FFFF FF53 A2 33 LDX @#33 Set array pointer FF55 9D EB 02 STA #2EB,X Set array pointer LSB/MSB to #FF FF58 CA DEX Point to next byte FF59 10 FA BPL #FF55 ..and set all 26 array addresses FF5B A9 0A LDA @#A Get FF5D 85 FE STA #FE Set character not to be sent to printer SET UP VDG FOR ALPHANUMERIC MODE FF5F A9 8A LDA @#8A FF61 8D 03 B0 STA #B003 FF64 A9 07 LDA @#7 FF66 8D 02 B0 STA #B002 PRINT INITIALISATION MESSAGE FF69 20 D1 F7 JSR #F7D1 Send the following string to WRCHAR FF6C 06 0C 0F 41 43 4F 52 4E 20 41 54 4F 4D 0A 0A 0D ...ACORN ATOM... SET DEFAULT TEXT SPACE & ENABLE INTERRUPTS FF7C A9 82 LDA @#82 Default text space is #8200 FF7E 85 12 STA #12 ..so set it FF80 58 CLI ..before enabling interrupts TEST TEXT SPACE AT #2900 FOR RAM FITTED FF81 A9 55 LDA @#55 Get 1st test code FF83 8D 01 29 STA #2901 ..and write to lower text space FF86 CD 01 29 CMP #2901 Can it be read back ? FF89 D0 0C BNE #FF97 ..no, stick to default text space FF8B 0A ASL A Get 2nd test code = #AA FF8C 8D 01 29 STA #2901 ..and write to lower text space FF8F CD 01 29 CMP #2901 Can it be read back ? FF92 D0 03 BNE #FF97 ..no, stick to default text space FF94 4C B2 C2 JMP #C2B2 ..yes, initialise #2900 text space and Carry onto to the Direct Command Handler FF97 4C B6 C2 JMP #C2B6 Initialise #8200 text space and carry on to the Direct Command Handler Vector Data Table ----------------- FF9A 00 A0 EF F8 52 FE FFA0 94 FE 6E F9 E5 FA AC C2 AC C2 EE FB 7C FC 38 FC FFB0 78 C2 IRQ/BRK Handler --------------- - If IRQ, pushes the accumulator onto the stack before jumping to IRQVEC at (#204). - If BRK, jumps to BRKVEC at (#202). FFB2 85 FF STA #FF Save accumulator FFB4 68 PLA Get status FFB5 48 PHA Re-save status FFB6 29 10 AND @#10 Is it IRQ or BRK ? FFB8 D0 06 BNE #FFC0 ..it's BRK - deal with it FFBA A5 FF LDA #FF Restore accumulator FFBC 48 PHA Save accumulator onto stack FFBD 6C 04 02 JMP (#204) ..before jumping to IRQVEC Execute BRK ----------- FFC0 A5 FF LDA #FF Restore accumulator FFC2 28 PLP Restore flags FFC3 08 PHP Re-save flags FFC4 6C 02 02 JMP (#202) ..jump to BRKVEC Execute NMI ----------- - Pushes accumulator onto stack before jumping to NMIVEC at (#200). FFC7 48 PHA Save accumulator onto stack FFC8 6C 00 02 JMP (#200) ..before jumping to NMIVEC Operating System Jump Table --------------------------- FFCB 6C 1A 02 JMP (#21A) OSSHUT - normally #C278 FFCE 6C 18 02 JMP (#218) OSFIND - normally #FC38 FFD1 6C 16 02 JMP (#216) OSBPUT - normally #FC7C FFD4 6C 14 02 JMP (#214) OSBGET - normally #FBEE FFD7 6C 12 02 JMP (#212) OSSTAR - normally #C2AC FFDA 6C 10 02 JMP (#210) OSRDAR - normally #C2AC FFDD 6C 0E 02 JMP (#20E) OSSAVE - normally #FAE5 FFE0 6C 0C 02 JMP (#20C) OSLOAD - normally #F96E FFE3 6C 0A 02 JMP (#20A) OSRDCH - normally #FE94 FFE6 20 E3 FF JSR #FFE3 OSECHO - normally #FE94 then FE52 FFE9 C9 0D CMP @#D OSASCI - #D causes FFEB D0 07 BNE #FFF4 FFED A9 0A LDA @#A OSCRLF - causes FFEF 20 F4 FF JSR #FFF4 FFF2 A9 0D LDA @#D FFF4 6C 08 02 JMP (#208) OSWRCH - normally #FE52 FFF7 6C 06 02 JMP (#206) OSCLI - normally #F8EF FFFA C7 FF NMI Jump Address FFFC 3F FF RESET Jump Address FFFE B2 FF IRQ/BRK Jump Address